Abstract | Nabava je funkcija i djelatnost poduzeća i drugih poslovnih sustava koja se brine o opskrbi materijalima, opremom, uslugama i energijom potrebnim za realizaciju ciljeva poslovnog sustava.
Nabava se kroz povijest promatrala kao pasivna i operativna poslovna funkcija koja odgovara na zahtjeve drugih poslovnih funkcija. U zadnje vrijeme se mijenja položaj i važnost nabave u poduzeću, te istraživanja pokazuju kako će percepcija utjecaja nabave na rezultate cjelokupnog poslovanja poduzeća u budućnosti rasti i zato se nabavi pridaje sve veća važnost.
Nabava se često poistovjećuje sa kupnjom, a u novije vrijeme uz nju se vežu pojmovi logistike i materijalnog poslovanja, te opskrbe. Zaposlenici nabave moraju biti stručnjaci koji analiziraju, procjenjuju, biraju i iniciraju nabavu sredstava za proizvodnju i usluge. Da bi uspješno izvršili svoje zadatke moraju stalno promatrati i ispitivati tržište nabave.
Bitno je naglasiti da je suradnja sa dobavljačima ključan element suvremene nabave i zato svako poduzeće koje želi uspješno poslovati mora razviti skup višestrukih kriterija za njihov odabir.
Svrha nabave je da poveže i uskladi potrebe vlastite organizacije za sredstvima, uslugama i energijom, što ih sama ne proizvodi, s interesima dobavljača tih objekata opskrbe.
Primjer dobro organizirane nabave prikazan je preko poduzeća Sportina d.o.o. Poduzeće Sportina Group svoje uspjehe postiže predanim radom, promišljenim biranjem najuspješnijih robnih marki i investicijama u najbolje lokacije s najsuvremenijom opremom. Funkciju nabave u poduzeću obnašaju za to osposobljene osobe pa svojim predanim radom pokušavaju u pravu poslovnicu poslati pravu količinu nabavljene robe.
Na primjeru podružnice XYZ Premium Fashion Store detaljno je objašnjen proces nabave poduzeća po kojem možemo primjetiti kako je nabava kompleksna funkcija, ali dobrom organizacijom, zajedničkim radom i osposobljenim djelatnicima dolazi do boljeg razumijevanja potreba tržišta pa se tako lakše odgovara na potrebe kupca.
U priloženim tablicama i slikama vidimo kako poduzeće koristi modernu tehnologiju da bi pospješilo svoju nabavu pa tako slijedi trendove tehničkih promjena na tržištu i sve je bliže budućnosti nabave tj. e-nabavi koja ostvaruje svoje izravne i neizravne prednosti u poslovanju. |
Abstract (english) | Procurement is a function and an activity of companies and other business systems that care about the supply of materials, equipment, services and energy needed to realize the business system goals.
The acquisition was viewed through history as a passive and operational business function that meets the requirements of other business functions. Changes in the position and importance of procurement in the company are now changing, and research shows that the perception of the impact of procurement on the results of the company's overall business will grow in the future and therefore the acquisition is of increasing importance.
Purchasing is often identified with the purchase, and lately it has links to logistics and material business, and supply. Procurement staff must be experts who analyze, evaluate, choose and initiate procurement of production and service resources. In order to successfully carry out their tasks they must constantly observe and examine the procurement market.
It is important to emphasize that co-operation with suppliers is a key element of modern procurement and therefore every business that wants to do business successfully has to develop a set of multiple criteria for their choice.
The purpose of the procurement is to link and harmonize the needs of their own organization for the means, services and energy that they do not themselves produce, with the interests of the supplier of these supply facilities.
An example of well organized procurement is presented through Sportina d.o.o. The company Sportina Group achieves its success through dedicated work, deliberate selection of the most successful brands and investments in the best locations with state-of-the-art equipment. The procurement function in the company is carried out by trained persons and, with their dedicated work, they try to send the right amount of purchased goods to the right branch office.
An example of the XYZ Premium Fashion Store branch explains in detail the procurement process of the company, where we can see how procurement is a complex function, but a good organization, joint work and skilled workers have a better understanding of the needs of the market so that it is more appropriate to the needs of the customer.
In the enclosed tables and pictures, we see that the company uses modern technology to enhance its procurement, so it follows the trends of technical changes in the market and is closer to the future of procurement ie e-procurement that achieves its direct and indirect benefits in business. |