Author Marija Jurić
Mentor Marina Lovrinčević (mentor) MBZ: 295566
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2018-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Poduzetništvo je gospodarska aktivnost pojedinca ili više partnera da uz određeno ulaganje kapitala i preuzimanje rizika uz neizvjesnosti uđe u poslovni pothvat s ciljem stvaranja profita. Razdoblje od stvaranja ideje pa do same realizacije poduzetničkog pothvara nije nimalo lagano, samo upornost, kreativnost i samouvjerenost mogu biti presudni za uspješnu realizaciju pothvata. Poduzetnik je osoba koja stvara biznis ili određeni proizvod, upravlja resursima koji mu stoje na raspolaganju, preuzima potpuni rizik, a to sve kako bi ostvario profit. Imati dobru ideju je preduvjet uspjeha, a traganje za idejom je prvi korak kojega poduzetnik mora poduzeti kako bi uopće zakoračio u svijet poduzetništva. Da bi došao do novih ideja i realizirao ih na što uspješniji način, pravi poduzetnik mora imati određene osobine, od kojih su najvažnije kreativnost, stvaralaštvo i domišljatost. Uspješnost nam predstavlja najvažniji aspekt poslovanja te se izražava pomoću prihoda, rashoda i rezultata poslovanja. Da bi poduzetnik uopće mogao krenuti u realizaciju vlastite ideje najprije je potrebno izraditi biznis plan. Biznis-plan (poslovni plan, poduzetnički projekt) je plansko-poslovni elaborat u kojem poduzetnik prikazuje svoje planove, ambicije i ideje. On omogućava realan prikaz poslovnog pothvata i očekivane rezultate, najprije samom poduzetniku, a zatim i svima drugima koji bi mogli biti uključeni u planirane poslovne aktivnosti. S obzirom da ne služi samo poduzetniku već i svima ostalima koji bi u njega mogli biti uključeni, dobro pripremljen biznis plan će stvoriti povjerenje kod korisnika te će se na taj način prije doći do željenih resursa, dok loše pripremljen biznis plan samo govori o poduzetnikovoj neprofesionalnosti i neiskustvu.
Temeljni cilj svakoga biznis plana pa i ovoga je istraživanje isplativosti samoga projekta i opravdanosti ulaganja u njega. Ideja se razvila iz tradicije obitelji u posjedovanju apartmana u centru grada Splita te iz dobivenoga naslijeđa. Želja samoga poduzetnika je pružiti novu dimenziju provođenja odmora turista iz različitih dijelova svijeta.
Abstract (english) Entrepreneurship is the economic activity of individuals or more partners that with a certain investment of capital and taking risks with uncertainty enters into a business venture with the aim of creating profits. The period from the creation of ideas to the same realization of the entrepreneurial venture is not easy, only continuation, creativity and self-confidence can be crucial for the successful realization of the venture. An entrepreneur is the person who creates a business or a particular product, manages the resources available to him, assumes complete risk, and all this in order to gain profits. Having a good idea is a prerequisite for success, and the quest for the idea is the first step that the entrepreneur must take to bring the world of entrepreneurship at large. To come up with new ideas and realize them in the most successful way, a real entrepreneur must have certain attributes, most important of which are creativity, creativity and ingenuity. Success is the most important business aspect and is expressed through revenue, expense, and business results. In order for an entrepreneur to be able to embark on realizing his or her own ideas, a business plan should first be drawn up. Business-Plan is a business plan where an entrepreneur presents his plans, ambitions and ideas. It enables a realistic view of the business venture and expected results first of all to the entrepreneur, and then to everyone else who might be involved in the planned business activity. Given that it is not only for the entrepreneur, but for all the others involved, a well-prepared business plan will create trust in the user and will soon reach the desired resources while the poorly prepared business plan is just about the entrepreneur's unprofessionality and inexperience.
The basic goal of every business plan is this research of the viability of the project itself and the justification for investing in it. The idea developed from the family tradition in the possession of apartments in the center of Split and from the inherited heritage. The entrepreneur's desire is to provide a new dimension to the tourist's vacation from different parts of the world.
poslovni plan
Keywords (english)
business plan
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:693302
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-05 09:10:03