Abstract | U ovom radu upotrebom financijskih pokazatelja poslovanja kreiran je model predviđanja bankrota poduzeća u Hrvatskoj. Analiza je rađena na uzorku od 31 poduzeća od čega je nad 15 pokrenut stečaj, dok nad 16 nije pokrenut stečaj.
U radu je testiran utjecaj vrijednosti aktive, koeficijenta tekuće likvidnosti, koeficijenta ubrzane likvidnosti, stupnja zaduženosti, koeficijenta financijske stabilnosti prvog stupnja, te koeficijenta financijske stabilnosti drugog stupnja, dana vezivanja potraživanja, dana vezivanja obveza, neto profitne marže, povrata na kapital, povrata na ukupnu imovinu, Alrman Z score, Chasser modela i Zmijevski modela na stečaj poduzeća.
Nakon provedenog testiranja utvrđen je utjecaj dana vezivanja dobavljača, vrijednosti Altman Z Score i ubrzane likvidnosti na otvaranje stečaja poduzeća. Utjecaj Altman Z Score i dana vezivanja obveza prema dobavljaču je pozitivan, odnosno utječu na porast vjerojatnosti stečaja dok je utjecaj ubrzane likvidnosti negativan, odnosno povećanje razine ubrzane likvidnosti umanjuje vjerojatnost stečaja. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, using the financial indicators of the business. We created a model for predicting bankruptcy of companies in Croatia was created. The analysis was performed on a sample of 31 companies, of which 15 were bankrupt, while 16 were bankrupt.
In this working paper We tested the impact of assets, current liquidity ratio, accelerated liquidity ratio, indebtedness ratio, first degree financial stability coefficient, and second degree financial stability coefficient, claims payday, payday, net profit margin, return on equity, Total Assets, Alrman Z Score, Chasser Model and Serpent Model Bankruptcy Company. After testing, the impact of supplier bonding days, the value of the Altman Z Score and accelerated liquidity on the opening of bankruptcy was determined. The impact of the Altman Z Score and the day on which the trade payables are linked is positive, that is, they increase the likelihood of bankruptcy, while the impact of accelerated liquidity is negative, that is, the increase in the level of accelerated liquidity reduces the likelihood of bankruptcy. |