Abstract | Ugovor o djelu je ugovor obveznog, graĎanskog prava koji se sklapa temeljem Zakona o obveznim odnosima. Ugovorne strane su naručitelj i izvoĎač, te mogu biti fizičke i pravne osobe. Ugovorom odjelu izvoĎač se obvezuje obaviti odreĎeni posao, kao što je izrada ili popravak neke stvari, izvršenje kakvog fizičkog ili umnog rada i slično, a naručitelj se obvezuje platiti mu za to naknadu. To je konsenzulani,dvostranopravni i naplatni ugovor koji je tek odreĎen kad su odreĎeni djelo i naknada. IzvoĎač radi za naručitelja samostalno i neovisno o naručitelju djela, radi za svoj račun i nas svoj rizik, radi u korisnom radnom vremenu pri čemu može raditi osobno ili može posao povjeritii t rećoj osobi jer odgovara za djelo i dužan ga je napraviti po pravilima vještine zanata te odgovara za mane svog djela po načelima graĎanskog prava, a za djelo prima ugovorenu naknadu. Ugovor o radu je reguliran Zakonom o radu. To je dvostrani pravni posao, odnosno dvostranoobvezujuć, trajni, naplatni, neformalni ugovor. Ugovorne strane su poslodavac i radnik. Poslodavac je obvezan radniku dati posao te mu za obavljeni rad isplatiti plaću uz uručenje njenog obračuna, a radnik je obvezan prema uputama poslodavca danim u skladu s naravi i vrstom rada, osobno obavljati preuzeti posao u njegovo ime i za njegov račun. Radnik posao treba obavljati u propisanom ranom vremenu te u prostorijama koje je odredio poslodavac za rad. |
Abstract (english) | A work contract is a contract of compulsory, civil law concluded under the Obligations Act. The contracting parties are the contracting authority and the contractor, and may be natural and legal persons. By contract, the contractor obligates to perform a specific work, such as making or repairing a thing, performing some kind of physical or mental work, etc., and the client agrees to pay him for this compensation. It is a consensual, bipartisan legal and collection contract that is only determined when the deed and compensation are determined. The contractor works for the client independently, works for his own account and us at his own risk and , works during useful working hours whereby he can work personally or can entrust the work to another person because he is responsible for the work and is obliged to make it according to the rules of the craft skill and liable for the defects of his work under the principles of civil law, and for the work receives contractual compensation. The employment contract is regulated by the Labor Law. It is a bilateral legal business, that is, a bilateral binding, permanent, billing, informal contract. The employer is obliged to give the worker a job and to pay him the salary for the work performed upon delivery of his calculation, and the employee is obliged to personally perform the assumed work on his behalf and for his account according to the employer's instructions given in accordance with the nature and type of work. The worker should perform the work at the prescribed early time and in premises designated by the employer for work. |