Abstract | Suvremeni razvoj turizma karakterizira razvoj posebnih oblika turizma, među kojima je i sportski turizam. Turizam i sport su dva oblika međusobno povezanih djelatnosti u sferi turističke rekreacije. Sport i sportska natjecanja nemaju samo ulogu promatranja, već postaju sadržaj turističkih aktivnosti koji sudionike pobuđuje na sudjelovanje. Time sportski sudionici, aktivni ili pasivni, postaju turisti, a sport postaje važan čimbenik boravka u nekoj zemlji.
U ovom radu ocjenjuju se sadašnje stanje i mogućnosti razvoja sportskog turizma u Splitu. U gradu Splitu turizam je jedna od primarnih „industrija“ koja ostvaruje znatan udio u BDP-u, a sport je najveći promotor grada koji je dao velik broj uspješnih sportaša i klubova. Sportski turizam Splita se svrstava pod tercijarni proizvod a cilj je da postane sekundarni, te kao takav nije više samo alternativna niša turizma. U radu je dat pregled razvoja i važnosti sporta te njegove povezanosti sa turizmom kroz povijest te je objašnjen sam pojam sportskog turizma i njegovi pojavni oblici.
Na temelju analize turističke i sportske ponude grada koja služi kao temelj za razvoj sportskog turizma donijeti će se zaključak o tome jeli razvoj moguć. U radu je provedena analiza infrastrukture potrebne za razvoj sportskog turizma, a to su smještajni kapaciteti sa sportsko-rekreativnim sadržajima i prometna infrastruktura Također, posebno su istaknuti sportski uspjesi koji su obogatili sportsku povijest grada Splita i kao takvi predstavljaju izniman resurs za razvoj sportskog turizma. Dodatno je analizirano i rastuće tržište sporta i sportskog turizma, te primjeri uspješnih destinacija koje su kroz određene sportske manifestacije ostvarile pozitivne učinke u imageu destinacije ili su pak razvile sportski turizam kao selektivni oblik turizma. Stoga pretpostavke za razvoj sportskog turizma u Splitu čine njegova sportska povijest, a i sadašnjost, prirodni potencijali samog Splita i okolice, te sve veća potražnja za ovim oblikom turizma. |
Abstract (english) | The modern development of tourism is characterized by the development of special forms of tourism , including tourism and sport . Tourism and sport are two forms of interrelated activities in the sphere of tourism and recreation. Sports and sporting competitions are not only for observation, but become the content of tourist activities that inspire participants to participate. That's how sport enthusiasts, active or passive, become tourists, and sport becomes an important factor for staying in a country.
This paper evaluates the present situation and opportunities for the development of sports tourism in Split. Tourism in the city of Split is one of the primary "industries" that has a significant share in GDP and sport is the city's biggest promoter, which has given a significant number of successful athletes and sport clubs. Sports tourism Split is classified as a tertiary product and the goal is to become secondary, and as such, it is no longer just an alternative tourism niche. This paper has given an overview of the development and importance of sport and its connection with tourism through history. Also, the concept of sport tourism and its manifestations, have been explained in this work.
Based on the analysis of the tourist and sports offer of the city, that serves as the basis for the development of sports tourism, it is concluded that a development of sport tourism is possible. In this paper, an analysis od infrastructure, accommodation facilities with sports and recreational facilities and transport infrastructure, that is necessary for the development of sports tourism, has been carried out. In particular, the sports achievements that enriched the sport history of the city of Split and as such represent an exceptional resource for the development of sport tourism. In addition, a growing market for sports and sport tourism was also analyzed, as well as examples of successful destinations that through certain sporting events, had positive effects in the image of destination or have developed sport tourism as a selective form of tourism. Therefore, the prerequisites for the development of sports tourism in Split are its sport history as its present sports success, the natural potentials of Split itself and the surrounding area, and of course the growing demand for this form of tourism. |