Abstract | Hrvatska ekonomije uveliko ovisi o turizmu, što dokazuje činjenica da se većinski dio BDP-a odnosi na prihode turizma. Nautički turizam jedan je on oblika turizma čiji subjekti troše znatno više novca, u odnosu na ostale oblike, otprilike 40 posto više. No i dalje se nautički turizam nije prepoznao kao jedna od važnijih grana turizma u Hrvatskoj, odnosno i dalje je podcjenjen. Nakon definiranog problema istraživanja može se definirati predmet istraživanja, odnosno utjecaj COVID-19 na nautički turizam, koji ima posljedicu utjecaja na ekonomiju RH. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati koliko je nautički turizam bitan za hrvatsku ekonomiju te je li uspio spasiti sezonu, odnosno gospodarsvo RH. Poznato je da nautički turizam čini 10,3% prihoda u ukupnom BDP-u države, što nije malo. Zbog pandemije COVID-19 sezona je bila upitna. Nautički turizam se pokazao kao jedna od grana koja je imala najviše šansi za brzi oporavak i to je dokazala time što je ostvarila gotovo 75% prihoda od prošle godine. Najmanje izražen pad prometa bio je u segmentu nautičkog čartera. Možemo zaključiti da je nautički turizam iznimno kvalitetan oblik turizma koji može pridonjeti i više nego li do sada, samo je potrebno mnogo ulaganja od strane države, te klasifikacija u djelatnost turizma. Hrvatska ima prednost u prirodnim ljepotama, pejzažnoj slikovitosti i ekološkoj očuvanosti što su važna obilježja za razvoj i budućnost nautičkog turizma ali nije dovoljno. Kvaliteta ponude hrvatskih marina ne može se usporediti s ponudom marina u ostalim europskim zemaljama. |
Abstract (english) | Croatian economy is highly depending on tourism, which is proven by the fact that the majority of GDP is refering to tourism revenues. Nautical tourism is a form of tourism whose subjects spend significantly more money in regard to its other forms, approximately 40 percent more. However, nautical tourism is still not recognised as one of the important forms of Croatian tourism, that is, it is still being undervalued. After defining the problem of research, it is possible to define the subject of research, in other words the impact of COVID-19 on nautical tourism, which consequently affects Croatian economy. The goal of this study is to illustrate the importance of nautical tourism and whether it has managed to save the season and the Croatian economy. It is well known that nautical tourism makes 10,3 % of the income in the country's total GDP, which makes a significant amount. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season was put in question. Nautical tourism was considered a form with the highest chances of recovery and it has finally been proven by realizing almost 75% of the last year's income. The nautical charter sector marks the minimal drop in the number of deals. Hence it is deducible that the nautical tourism is a form of tourism with extreme quality, capable of contributing even more. Nonetheless, great investments are required, so as the classification as a sector of tourism. Croatia has advantages in its natural treasures, its gorgeous landscapes, but also in ecological preservation, all-together being important features for the development, as well as the future of the nautical tourism. Per contra, it is not enough because the quality of the offer Croatian marines are giving is incomparable to other European countries. |