Abstract | Ugovor o organiziranju putovanja sklapa putnik s agencijom koja organizira putovanja. Putnička agencija kao organizator turističkog putovanja prodaje klijentu aranžman kao cjelinu “paket” i putnik kupuje sve usluge sadržane u tom “paketu”. Sukladno Zakonu o turističkoj djelatnosti agencija je dužna putniku predati program putovanja ili katalog, koji sadržavaju specificirane usluge iz tog aranžmana. Ako se putnik odlučio za putovanje, pri sklapanju ugovora mora dobiti potvrdu o putovanju, usto putnik potpisuje i “prijavu za putovanje”. Ako ima traženih slobodnih mjesta, agencija potvrĎuje prijavu i o tome obavještava klijenta i posrednika putovanja. Ako je ugovor sklopljen izmeĎu agencije i klijenta, agencija je dužna izdati putniku “potvrdu o putovanju”. Ta potvrda zapravo je dokaz o tome da je ugovor zaključen. Agencija odgovara za štetu koju bi pretrpio putnik zbog neizdavanja ili netočnosti podataka u potvrdi o putovanju. Ugovorom se odreĎuju prava i obveze ugovorenih strana.
Posrednički ugovor o putovanju ugovor je kojim se putnička agencija obvezuje pribaviti putniku, za odreĎenu cijenu u njegovo ime i za njegov račun, organizirano putovanje, ili jednu ili više odvojenih usluga koje omogućavaju ostvarenje odreĎenog putovanja ili boravka. Ovaj se ugovor smatra sklopljenim kada su se obje strane suglasile o bitnim elementima ugovora u ime i za račun putnika uz navedene uvjete u ugovoru. Dakle, posrednik zaključuje pravne poslove – dobavljanje usluga u ime i za račun klijenta. To je razlog za izbor kvalitetnog davatelja usluge. Ako je posrednik preuzeo obvezu sklapanja ugovora o organizaciji putovanja, mora o tome izdati potvrdu. U potvrdi je vidljiva usluga i plaćeni iznos. I kod ovog ugovora putnik je dužan pružiti agenciji sve točne podatke, kako bi ona za njega osigurala potrebnu dokumentaciju i uvjete propisane zakonom. Putnik obično pri sklapanju ovog ugovora posredniku daje avans, koji agencija uplaćuje davatelju usluge ako to traži u ime potvrĎivanja rezervacije za njezina klijenta.
Agencijski ugovor o hotelskim uslugama (ugovor o rezervaciji) – ugovor je kojim se hotelijer obvezuje na zahtjev putničke agencije, a za njezine klijente na osnovi cjenika hotelskih usluga rezervirati odreĎeni traženi kapacitet smještaja te usluge prehrane i točenja pića i ostale usluge. Agencijskim ugovorom hotelijer se obvezuje rezervirane usluge pružiti odreĎenoj skupini ili pojedincu u točno odreĎeno vrijeme (od – do). Kad agencija primi potvrdu hotela o rezervaciji, tek tada izdaje turističku uputnicu (vaučer) klijentu i upućuje ga
u hotel. Agencija je dužna platiti hotelijeru samo one usluge koje su navedene u vaučeru. Prema ovom ugovoru hotelijer se obvezuje da će se pridržavati cijena utvrĎenih cjenikom i odobrava agenciji posredničku proviziju. Ugovorom se posebno tretiraju gosti individualci i skupine gostiju. U praksi se ovaj ugovor često naziva “ugovor na temelju zatražene i potvrĎene rezervacije”, iako posebne uzance rabe naziv “agencijski ugovor o hotelskim uslugama”.
Ugovor o angaţiranju ugostiteljskih kapaciteta (ugovor o alotmanu) – najčešći je ugovor koji se rabi u poslovanju izmeĎu putničkih agencija i hotelijera. Ovim ugovorom hotel se obvezuje odreĎeni dio svog kapaciteta (postelja, odnosno soba) u odreĎenom vremenu i uz utvrĎenu cijenu i ostale uvjete staviti agenciji na raspolaganje. S druge strane, agencija se obvezuje pokušati popuniti ugovorene kapacitete i za pružene usluge platiti ugovorenu cijenu. Ovaj ugovor obično se potpisuje na jednu godinu, a u pravilu ga sklapaju velike agencije, i to za veći broj skupina koje kontinuirano šalju hotelijeru. Ugovorom je predviĎena i provizija koju hotel priznaje agenciji na ugovorene cijene. Ugovor o alotmanu strogo je formalan i mora biti sklopljen u pismenom obliku.
Ugovor o zakupu – njime se ugostitelj obvezuje staviti putničkoj agenciji na duže vrijeme uporabu odreĎeni ugostiteljski objekt (u cjelini ili djelomično) s osobljem, radi smještaja i pružanja drugih ugostiteljskih usluga s klijentima agencije, a putnička agencija se obvezuje platiti ugovorenu naknadu(zakupninu, najamninu). Po svojim obilježjima ugovor o zakupu ugostiteljskog objekta je neimenovani ugovor, jer ga zakonodavstvo izričito ne ureduje, konsenzualan, jer je za njegovu valjanost dovoljan sporazum ugovornih strana o bitnim sastojcima, dvostrano obvezan, naplatan i formalan jer se sklapa u pisanom obliku. |
Abstract (english) | The contract on organized tours make the traveler with the agency organizing the trip. Travel agency as the organizer of tourist travel sales client arrangement as a whole "package" and the traveler buys all services contained in the "package". According to the Law on Tourism agency shall submit passenger travel program or directory containing the specified services from this arrangement. If the traveler decided to travel, at the conclusion of the contract must receive confirmation of the trip, besides passenger and signed "Application for a trip." If you have the required vacancies, the agency confirms the application and notify the client and agent. If the contract concluded between the agency and the client, the agency shall issue a passenger "certificate of travel". This confirmation is actually evidence that the contract was concluded. The Agency is responsible for the damage that they suffered due to non-issuance of a passenger or wrong data in the confirmation of travel. The contract defines the rights and obligations of parties.
Intermediary travel contract agreement is that the travel agency is required to provide the passenger, for a price in his name and on his behalf, organized trip, or one or more separate services that enable the realization of a particular trip or stay. This contract is considered concluded when both sides agreed on the essential elements of the contract in the name and on behalf of passengers with these requirements in the contract. Thus, the broker concludes legal business - supplying services on behalf of a client. This is the reason for the choice of a quality service provider. If the broker has undertaken to the conclusion of the travel organization must issue receipts. The certificate is visible service and the amount paid. And with this agreement the customer is required to provide the agency with all the correct information, in order to ensure for him the necessary documents and conditions prescribed by law. The passenger usually at the conclusion of this contract intermediary gives an advance, which the agency pays the service provider, if required in the name of the booking confirmation for her client.
The agency contract for hotel services (contract of booking) - objection is that the hotel owner agrees to the request of the travel agency, for its customers based on the price of hotel services book certain required capacity and food services and pouring drinks and other services. Agency agreement hotelier is obliged to provide the services reserved to a specifi
group or individual at a scheduled time (from - to). When the agency receives confirmation Hotel Reservation, only then issue tourist referral (voucher) to the client and sent to the hotel. The Agency must pay the hotelier only those services that are listed in the voucher. According to this agreement the hotel agrees to abide by the prices fixed tariff and approved by the Agency brokerage commission. The contract is a special treat guests individuals and groups. In practice, this agreement is often called a "contract on the basis of requested and confirmed reservations", although specific usages use of the term "agency contract for hotel services".
The contract for the employment of catering facilities (allotment contract) - the most common is a contract that is used in business between travel agencies and hoteliers. With this agreement, the hotel undertakes certain part of their capacity (beds or rooms) in a given time and with a fixed price and the other conditions to put at the disposal of the agency. On the other hand, the agency is required to try to fill the contracted capacities and the services rendered to pay the agreed price. This contract is usually signed for one year, but generally it concluded a large agency, and to the growing number of groups that continuously sending hotelier. The contract stipulates the commission fee for hotel recognized agency at the agreed price. Allotment contract is strictly formal and must be made in writing.
The lease agreement - it is restaurateur agrees to put a travel agency for a long time the use of a particular restaurant (in whole or in part) by the staff, in order to provide accommodation and other hospitality services to customers agency, a travel agency is obligated to pay the agreed fee (lease, rent ). By its nature, a lease contract catering facility is an unnamed contract, because the legislation does not explicitly regulate, consensual, because of its validity sufficient agreement of the parties on the essential ingredients, two-sided mandatory, financially and formal as it is concluded in writing. |