Abstract | Tema ovog rada je marketing neprofitnih organizacija, te njegova primjena na primjeru Sunca - Udruge za prirodu, okoliš i održivi razvoj. U teoretskom djelu rada, radi lakšeg razumijevanja teme ponajprije se definiraju pojmovi neprofitna organizacija, marketing, neprofitni marketing, prikazuje kratak osvrt na razliku između profitnog i neprofitnog marketinga, te na razvoj neprofitnog marketinga u Hrvatskoj. Budući da se kao primjer koristi udruga za prirodu okoliš i održivi razvoj, u teoretskom djelu ukratko su definirana i ta tri pojma. U drugom djelu rada, prikazuje se primjena neprofitnog marketinga na primjeru neprofitne organizacije Sunce. Ističe se vizija, misija i ciljevi udruge, te se prikazuje SWOT analiza i marketinški miks. SWOT analizom pruža se uvid u snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje udruge, a marketing miksom prikazuje se koji su to zapravo proizvodi udruge, kako se ti proizvodi naplaćuju, promoviraju i distribuiraju. Na samom kraju rada uz nekoliko savjeta udruzi je dan prijedlog kako da određenim poboljšanjima svoje uspješno i hvale vrijedno djelovanje učini još boljim. |
Abstract (english) | The theme of this work is marketing of non-profit organization, and as example is being used the association called Sun for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development. In the theoretical part of the work, in order to facilitate understanding of the topic we defined terms nonprofit organization, marketing, nonprofit marketing, we displays a brief overview of the difference between profit and non-profit marketing, and to the nonprofit marketing in Croatia. Because as example we use association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development, in the theoretical part are briefly defined and these three terms. The second part of the work, shows the application of the non-profit marketing in the case of non-profit organizations called Sun. We point out the vision, mission and goals of the association, the SWOT analysis and marketing mix. SWOT analysis provides an insight into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the association, a marketing mix is showing what is actually product of the association, how these products are paid, promoted and distributed.
At the end of the work ,with some tips to the association, was proposed to do some improvements so that her successful and hard work can be even better. |