Abstract | Krstarenje predstavlja kružno putovanje brodom zbog odmora, razonode, zabave ili iskustva te obuhvaća obilazak nekoliko destinacija. Brod za krstarenje tj. kruzer predstavlja prijevozno sredstvo, ali i samu destinaciju. Kruzing turizam je relativno novi, selektivni oblik turizma koji se razvio tijekom 2. polovice 20. stoljeća, a danas predstavlja jedan od najpopularnijih oblika turizma s rastućim trendom. Cruising turizam najviše je zastupljen na Karibima i Mediteranu, a govoreći o Hrvatskoj najvažniji predstavnik je Dubrovnik.
Pandemija COVID-19 je znatno utjecala na razvoj cruising turizma između 2020. i 2022. godine. Bez obzira na kontinuirani rast putnika na brodovima za krstarenje već dugi niz godina, pojavom korona virusa smanjila se potražnja za krstarenjima, a zbog brojnih slučajeva krstarenja su bila zabranjena na određeno vrijeme. 2022. godine, dvije godine nakon prve karantene, može se reći da se cruising industrija vratila na razine prije pandemije i da je ponovno započela svoj rast. Nedvojbeno je da će cruising turizam nastaviti rasti u budućnosti zbog porasta i potražnje i ponude.
Cruising ima veliki utjecaj na turističku destinaciju s gospodarskog aspekta jer osigurava prihode od cruising kompanija, putnika i posade, zatim s društvenog aspekta u smislu utjecaja na lokalno stanovništvo koje može biti pozitivno i negativno. Također, cruising negativno utječe na okoliš stoga je iznimno važno minimizirati njegove negativne utjecaje i zajedničkim djelovanjem svih sudionika u industriji osigurati njegov daljnji rast u skladu s načelima održivog razvoja. |
Abstract (english) | Cruising is a round trip by vessel for vacation, leisure, entertainment or experiences that includes a visit to several destinations. A cruise ship, i.e. cruiser, represents a means of transport, but also the destination itself. Cruising tourism is a relatively new, selective form of tourism that developed during the second half od 20th century, and today it represents one of the most popular forms of tourism with a growing trend. Cruising tourism is the most popular in the Carribean and Mediterranean, and speaking of Croatia, the most important representative is Dubrovnik.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the development of cruising tourism between 2020 and 2022. Regardless of the continuous growth of passengers on cruise ships for many years, the outbreak of the corona virus reduced the demand for cruises, and due to numerous cases, cruises were banned for a certain period. In 2022, two years after the first quarantine, it can be said that the cruising industry had returned to pre-pandmic levels and started its growth again. There is no doubt that cruising tuourism will continue to grow in the future due to an increase in both demand and supply.
Cruising has a great impact on tourist destination from the economic aspect because it provides income from cruising companies, passengers and crew, then from the social aspect in terms of impact on the local population, which can be positive and negative. Also, the cruising has a negative impact on the environment, therefore it is extremely important to minimize its negative impacts and ensure its futher growth in accordance with the principles of sustainable development through the joint action of all participants in the industry. |