Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati teorijski okvir za analizu poduzetničke intencije studenata, kao
ishodišta za empirijsko istraživanje determinanti koje značajno utječu na poduzetničku intenciju u post
COVID-19 kontekstu, usporedbu prosječnih vrijednosti pretpostavljenih determinanti i poduzetničke
intencije ovog istraživanja s prethodnim te usporedbu snage povezanosti pretpostavljenih determinanti
s poduzetničkom intencijom ovog istraživanja s prethodnim istraživanjem. Kroz istraživanje je
oblikovan i testiran konceptualni model koji je obuhvatio utjecaj samoefikasnosti, stavova prema
ponašanju, društvenih normi, potreba za postignućem, obrazovanja, uzora i sklonosti riziku na
poduzetničku intenciju. Uzorkom istraživanja su obuhvaćeni studenti na prijediplomskoj i diplomskoj
razini sveučilišnih i stručnih studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu (primarni podaci
prikupljeni online anketnim upitnikom, N=133), a za komparaciju su korišteni i podaci iz prethodnog
istraživanja (N=160). Podaci su analizirani implementiranjem korelacija, višestruke regresije i t-testa za
nezavisne uzorke. Preliminarna korelacijska analiza je pokazala kako se može očekivati pozitivna
povezanost svih pretpostavljenih determinanti s poduzetničkom intencijom. Rezultati regresijskog
modeliranja sugeriraju upućuju na zaključak kako na poduzetničku intenciju značajno i pozitivno djeluju
samoefikasnost, stavovi prema ponašanju, obrazovanje i sklonost riziku. Značajna razlika u prosječnoj
vrijednosti pretpostavljenih determinanti je opažena u slučaju varijabli obrazovanje i sklonost riziku, a
uočen je i veći stupanj poduzetničke intencije u post COVID-19 istraživanju kod ispitanika. Snaga
povezanosti između samoefikasnosti, stavova prema ponašanju, potreba za postignućem, obrazovanja,
uzora, sklonosti riziku i poduzetničke intencije je veća, dok je u slučaju veze između društvenih normi
i poduzetničke intencije ona slabija, u odnosu na prethodno istraživanje. Sve navedeno čini doprinos
ovog istraživanja, obzirom da su identificirana vrela poduzetničke intencije, a time se stvaraju preduvjeti
za stimuliranje poduzetničke intencije studenata. Ograničenja istraživanja se prvenstveno ogledaju u
veličini uzorka, što otežava generalizaciju rezultata istraživanja, dok se preporuke za daljnja istraživanja
odnose na produbljivanje samog modela poduzetničke intencije i nastavak komparativnih istraživanja |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research is to present a theoretical framework for the analysis of students' entrepreneurial
intention, as a starting point for empirical research on determinants that significantly influence
entrepreneurial intention in the post COVID-19 context, a comparison of the average values of the
assumed determinants and entrepreneurial intentions of this study with the previous one, and a
comparison of the strength of the relationship between the assumed determinants and the entrepreneurial
intention of this research with the previous research. Through the research, a conceptual model that
included the influence of self-efficacy, attitudes towards behaviour, social norms, need for achievement,
education, role models and risk propensity on entrepreneurial intention was formed and tested. The
research sample consisted of students at the undergraduate and graduate level of university and
professional studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Split (primary data collected
through an online questionnaire, N=133), and data from the previous research (N=160) were also used
for comparison. Data were analyzed by implementing correlations, multiple regression and t-test for
independent samples. The preliminary correlation analysis showed that a positive association of all
assumed determinants with entrepreneurial intention can be expected. The results of multiple regression
suggest that entrepreneurial intention is significantly and positively influenced by self-efficacy, attitudes
towards behaviour, education and risk propensity. A significant difference in the average value of the
assumed determinants was identified in the case of the variables education and risk propensity, and a
higher degree of entrepreneurial intention was also identified in the post-COVID-19 research among
respondents. The strength of the relationship between self-efficacy, attitudes towards behaviour, need
for achievement, education, role models, risk propensity and entrepreneurial intention is greater, while
in the case of the relationship between social norms and entrepreneurial intention, it is weaker, compared
to the previous research. All of the above is the contribution of this research, given that the origins of
entrepreneurial intentions have been identified, and thus the prerequisites for stimulating the
entrepreneurial intention of students are created. The limitations of the research are primarily reflected
in the sample size, which makes generalization of the research results difficult to generalize, while the
recommendations for further research refer to the deepening of the entrepreneurial intention model itself
and the continuation of comparative research |