Abstract | Tijekom posljednjih godina zabilježen je trend rasta broja dolazaka turista na područje grada Splita, uslijed čega je porasla potražnja za smještajnim kapacitetima, što je posebice vidljivo tijekom razdoblja ljetne sezone. Iako je došlo do značajnog povećanja smještajnih kapaciteta u privatnom smještaju, nije došlo do značajnijeg rasta broja smještajnih kapaciteta u hotelskom smještaju, što je djelomično i posljedica značajnih ulaganja u izgradnju te opremanje hotela, neovisno o njihovoj veličini. Iako postoji motivacija kod većeg broja potencijalnih poduzetnika, ulazak na ovo tržište djelomično je otežan troškovima ulaska na tržište te uvjetima koje objekt mora zadovoljiti prije samog otvaranja istog. Iz tog razloga menadžersko planiranje ističe se kao odličan instrument koji osigurava temeljne preduvjete za početak poslovanja, a kasnije doprinosi razvoju poslovanja. Pritom su planovi poput misije i vizije poduzeća temelj za usmjeravanje poslovanja, dok se drugi planovi donose na više razina poduzeća, na različite vremenske periode. U empirijskom dijelu rada razmatraju se aspekti osnivanja malog obiteljskog hotela pod nazivom Dalmat. Ovaj naziv odabran je iz razloga jer turiste upućuje na autentičan doživljaj povezan s Dalmacijom kao turističkom destinacijom. Samo pokretanje poslovanja zahtijeva duži vremenski period, iako je objekt uvelike uređen i pripremljen za završne radove poput opremanja. Hotel ima veći broj izravnih konkurenata, počevši od hotela pa sve do privatnog smještaja i kampova, ali će se poslovanje hotela kroz primjenu inovativnih aktivnosti diferencirati u odnosu na izravne konkurente. Kao jedna od inovativnih mjera biti će svakako korištenje novih oblika promidžbe, ali i promoviranje hotela kao zelenog, čime se planira privući veći broj turista koji posebnu pozornost posvećuju održivom poslovanju i zelenim aspektima poslovanja. Iz tog razloga u hotelu će biti instalirani uređaji koji doprinose uštedi energije i vode, poticati će se razvrstavanje otpadnih materijala i sl. |
Abstract (english) | In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the number of tourist arrivals in the city of Split, as a result of which the demand for accommodation facilities has increased, which is particularly visible during the summer season. Although there was a significant increase in accommodation capacities in private accommodation, there was no significant increase in the number of accommodation capacities in hotel accommodation, which is partly a consequence of significant investments in the construction and equipping of hotels, regardless of their size. Although there is motivation among a large number of potential entrepreneurs, entry into this market is partially hindered by the costs of entry into the market and the conditions that the facility must meet before opening. For this reason, managerial planning stands out as an excellent instrument that provides the basic prerequisites for starting a business, and later contributes to the development of the business. At the same time, plans such as the mission and vision of the company are the basis for directing the business, while other plans are adopted at several levels of the company, for different periods of time. In the empirical part of the paper, the aspects of establishing a small family hotel called Dalmat are considered. This name was chosen for the reason that it directs tourists to an authentic experience associated with Dalmatia as a tourist destination. Just starting a business requires a longer period of time, even though the building is largely decorated and prepared for final works such as furnishing. The hotel has a large number of direct competitors, starting from hotels and ending with private accommodation and campsites, but the hotel's business will differentiate itself from its direct competitors through the application of innovative activities. One of the innovative measures will certainly be the use of new forms of publicity, but also the promotion of the hotel as green, which is planned to attract a larger number of tourists who pay special attention to sustainable business and green aspects of business. For this reason, devices will be installed in the hotel that contribute to saving energy and water, the sorting of waste materials, etc. will be encouraged. |