Title Trendovi i alati u digitalnom marketingu
Title (english) Trends and tools in digital marketing
Author Marta Tiozzo
Mentor Daniela Garbin Praničević (mentor)
Committee member Goran Dedić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davorka Mikulić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Informatika je glavni pokretač razvijanja gospodarstva i društva kao cjeline. U suvremenom društvu poslovanja i gospodarstva te razmjena dobara se okreće prema elektronskom poslovanju kako bi se proces olakšao, upravo zbog toga ovisnost svijeta i tehnologije postaje sve snažnije. Digitalni marketing može se promatrati kroz širi i uži smisao. U užem smislu, promatramo ga kao proces gdje se kreiraju ponude, određivanje cijena, distribucije i promocije s ciljem profitabilnog zadovoljenja potreba kupaca isključivo na elektroničkom tržištu, a u širem smislu uključuje se software rješenje putem kojeg se marketing ciljevi u cijelosti realiziraju kroz Internet. Strategija svakog poslovanja pa tako i kod digitalnog marketinga je da se uz potrebne alate i tehnike postignu ciljevi te zadovolje potrebe potrošača uz što manje troškove, potrošenog vremena i resursa.
Za što bolje razvijanje poslovanja, pojavljuju se primjene alata koji pomažu pri automatiziranju odnosno olakšavanju zadataka, razvijanje boljih tehnika za prikupljanje podataka, pojednostavljivanje poslovnih procesa i ušteda vremena i resursa. Kako bi se što bolje pozicioniralo na tržištu, bitno je odrediti pravilne alate s odgovarajućim tehničkim vještinama. Društvene mreže u zadnjih par godina, predstavljaju najčešće korišteni kanal i alat za digitalni marketing među kojima se najviše ističu Instagram, Facebook, Youtube.
Trenutačno, marketinški stručnjaci se suočavaju s izazovnim promjenama koje se brzo razvijaju čiji je uzrok digitalizacija. Proces stvaranja novih trendova, kanala, otvarajući nove mogućnosti za pronalazak kupaca te uspostavljanje kontakta s njima, povećana dostupnost proizvoda i usluga i sl. Trendovi predstavljaju glavni razlog zašto poduzeća ne bi trebala ignorirati svoje marketinške strategije već ih uz pomoć pravilnog praćenja na tržištu, pretvorila u svoje snage i prednosti.
Abstract (english) Informatics is the main force behind the development of the economy and society as a whole. In modern society, business and economy and the exchange of goods are turning to electronic business in order to make the process easier, precisely because of this the dependence of the world and technology is becoming stronger. Digital marketing can be viewed in a broader and narrower sense. In the narrower sense, we see it as a process where offers, pricing, distribution and promotions are created with the aim of profitably meeting the needs of customers exclusively on the electronic market, and in a broader sense it includes a software solution through which marketing goals are fully realized through the Internet. The strategy of every business, including digital marketing, is to use the necessary tools and techniques to achieve goals and satisfy consumer needs with as little expense, time and resources as possible.
For the best possible business development, there are applications of tools that help automate or facilitate tasks, develop better techniques for collecting data, simplify business processes and save time and resources. In order to be at better position on the market, it is important to determine the right tools with the appropriate technical skills. Social networks in the last couple of years represent the most used channel and tool for digital marketing, among which Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube stand out the most.
Currently, marketers are facing challenging and rapidly evolving changes caused by digitalization. The process of creating new trends, channels, opening up new opportunities for finding customers and establishing contact with them, increased availability of products and services, etc. Trends represent the main reason why companies should not ignore their marketing strategies, but with the help of proper monitoring on the market, turn them into in its strengths and advantages.
digitalni marketing
alati digitalnog marketinga
društvene mreže
trendovi digitalnog marketinga
Keywords (english)
digital marketing
digital marketing tools
social networks
digital marketing trends
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:854930
Study programme Title: GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT; specializations in: Project management, Financial and tax management, Accounting and revision, Tax management, Accounitng Course: Project management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-19 09:10:45