Abstract | Cilj rada je ispitati percepciju stanovnika Splita i Zagreba o zelenim restoranima te njihovu voljnost da plate više, putuju i čekaju duže za usluge takvog restorana. Na temelju dostupne literature, odnosno prikupljenih sekundarnih podataka, provelo se i samostalno online anketno istraživanje te binarna logistička regresija i deskriptivna analiza. Prema istraživanu, karakteristike zelenih restorana koje Splićani i Zagrepčani percipiraju najbitnijima su minimiziranje štetnog otpada, sudjelovanje u programima recikliranja i ponuda hrane iz lokalnog uzgoja. Također, statistički značajna je poveznica između minimiziranja štetnog otpada, korištenja proizvoda s materijalom koji se može reciklirati te posjedovanja zelenih certifikata u odnosu na želju ispitanika da plate premijsku cijenu. Što građani Splita i Zagreba doživljavaju te karakteristike bitnijima to je veća vjerojatnost da će platiti više za usluge zelenog restorana. S druge strane, većina ispitanika je ocijenila posjedovanje zelenih certifikata nebitnima ili neutralnim iz čega možemo zaključiti da mali dio ispitanika, koji ih percipira bitnim, spreman je za njih platiti više. Promatrajući sekundarnu literaturu i ovaj rad, dodatna ulaganja i prilagodbe mogu biti rizik s obzirom na mali dio populacije koji bi bio spreman platiti više da objeduje u restoranu sa zelenim certifikatom. Boljom informiranosti gostiju o posjedovanju certifikata i što oni donose smanjilo bi taj rizik.
Zaključilo se da su građani Splita spremniji čekati duže na jelo u zelenom restoranu nego građani Zagreba. Također, građani Splita percipiraju ponudu hrane iz lokalnog uzgoja i sudjelovanje u programima recikliranja bitnijima od građana Zagreba, dok građani Zagreba percipiraju ponudu organske hrane i educiranje zaposlenika bitnijim karakteristikama zelenih restorana nego što to percipiraju građani Splita. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this work is to examine the perception of residents of Split and Zagreb regarding green restaurants and their willingness to pay more, travel, and wait longer for the services of such a restaurant. Based on available literature and collected secondary data, an independent online survey, binary logistic regression, and descriptive analysis were conducted. According to the research, the characteristics of green restaurants that residents of Split and Zagreb perceive as most important are minimizing harmful waste, participating in recycling programs, and offering locally grown food. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant link between minimizing harmful waste, using recyclable materials, and having green certificates in relation to the respondents' willingness to pay a premium price. The more important citizens of Split and Zagreb perceive these characteristics, the greater the likelihood that they will pay more for the services of a green restaurant. On the other hand, most respondents rated the possession of green certificates as unimportant or neutral, from which we can conclude that a small percentage of respondents who perceive them as important are willing to pay more for them. Considering the secondary literature and this work, additional investments and adaptations may be risky given the small portion of the population willing to pay more to dine in a restaurant with a green certificate. Better informing guests about certificate ownership and what they entail would reduce this risk.
It was concluded that residents of Split are more willing to wait longer for a meal in a green restaurant than residents of Zagreb. Additionally, residents of Split perceive the offer of locally grown food and participation in recycling programs as more important than residents of Zagreb, while residents of Zagreb perceive the offer of organic food and employee education as more important characteristics of green restaurants than residents of Split. |