Abstract | Kruzing turizam je jedan novi, selektivni oblik turizma koji je procvao u dvadesetom stoljeću, a doživio vrhunac zadnje desetljeće ovoga stoljeća. U 20. stoljeću se prvi put i pojavljuje ideja o ovakvom obliku turizma jer u prijašnjim stoljećima nije bilo ni novca ni infrastrukture kojim bi se spotakao projekt gradnje velikih luksuznih brodova, ili „plutajućih hotela“.
Kruzing je ponajviše razvijen, naravno, u zemljama bogatim vodama ( mora, rijeke, jezera). U svjetskim okvirima, počeo se razvijati početkom 20. stoljeća, u Americi, dok je procvat u Mediteranskim zemljama i Sredozemlju općenito doživio od 70-ih godina 20. stoljeća pa sve do dana danas. Bez obzira na to, i dalje većina kruzing putovanja otpada na Sjevernoamerički kontinent gdje se nalaze i najveće brodske kompanije.
Kruzing turizam zahtjeva velika sredstva kod ulaganja i zato nije uvijek isplativ no uz prava ulaganja i pravi smjer razvoja osigurava veliki profit kroz budućnost. To podrazumijeva velike luke, prateći sadržaji u lukama i destinacije koje imaju nosive kapacitete za nagli priljev velikog broja turista. Ako je sve to izvedeno, od kruzing turizma može profitirati i kompanije, i tvrtka za gradnju i destinacija kao i svi njeni nositelji malih i velikih trgovina u destinaciji. U svijetu je kruzing turizam najrazvijeniji na Karibima no postoji i na drugim kontinentima dok je u Hrvatskoj Dubrovnik sa dvije velike luke vodeći predstavnik i jedan od vodećih na Mediteranu.
Kruzing nosi i negativne učinke, osim već navedenih pozitivnih, i zato treba biti oprezan sa planiranjem razvoja u destinaciji. Ti negativni bi sporazumijevali zagađenje zraka, zagađenje voda, prelazak praga nosivosti destinacije što izrazito negativno djeluje na destinaciju i ljude koji žive u njoj. Zato je potrebno zapošljavati stručnjake u tom području koji bi izrađivali studije, analize i radove na tu temu, istraživali tržište i predviđali buduća kretanja u destinaciji kako bi se negativni učinci sveli na minimum. |
Abstract (english) | Crousing turizam iz new form of selective tourism that has bloomed in 20th century and experienced it's peak in the last decade of this century. In the 20th century, it appears for the first time the idea of this form of tourism, because in previous centuries were neither money or the infrastructure that would have tripped the project of construction of large luxury ships, or "floating hotels". Cruising is the most developed, of course, in the countries of the rich waters (sea, rivers, lakes). In world terms, it began to develop in the early 20th century in America, while it is blooming in the Mediterranean countries and the Mediterranean in general suffered from the 70s of the 20th century all the way up to the day today. Regardless, still the majority of cruising travel goes on the North American continent where there are the largest shipping companies.
Cruising tourism requires large investment and the media code so it is not always cost effective but with real investment and the right direction of development ensures big profits through the future. This implies a large port, the following facilities in ports and destinations that have a load-bearing capacity for the sudden influx of a large number of tourists. If all this is done, than cruising tourism can benefit the company, and the company for the construction and destination as well as all of its carriers of small and big shops in the destination. In the world's most developed tourism cruising is in the Caribbean but it exist in other continents too while in Croatia Dubrovnik ,with two large ports, leading representative and it is one of the leading in the Mediterranean.
Cruising carries negative effects also, in addition to the mentioned positive, and that's why you should be careful to plan for development in the destination. Negative consequences are air pollution, water pollution, crossing the threshold of carrying capacity of destinations as extremely negative effect on the destination and the people who live in it. That's why it is necessary to employ experts in this area, which would have made the study, analysis and papers on the topic, researched the market and predicted future trends at the destination in order to minimise negative effects to a minimum. |