Abstract | U ovom radu istražena je percepcija lokalnog stanovništva općine Tisno o utjecaju The Garden Festivala
na lokalnu zajednicu, s fokusom na ekonomske, društveno-kulturne i okolišne učinke, kao i na suradnju
između organizatora festivala i lokalne zajednice. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnom metodom na
uzorku od 56 stanovnika, u periodu od 15. lipnja do 15. srpnja, koristeći strukturirani upitnik temeljen na
postojećoj literaturi o sličnim temama. Anketno ispitivanje obuhvatilo je razdoblje tijekom i neposredno
nakon održavanja festivala, kako bi se dobili što relevantniji podaci o percepcijama ispitanika. Rezultati
istraživanja pokazali su da lokalno stanovništvo Tisna generalno pozitivno percipira ekonomske učinke
festivala (prosječna ocjena 4,35), dok su stavovi o društveno-kulturnim učincima više neutralni
(prosječna ocjena 3,83), što sugerira da festival nije percipiran kao značajan faktor u razvoju kulturne
scene. Nadalje, percepcija o suradnji između organizatora i lokalne zajednice je blago pozitivna, ali s
velikom varijabilnošću mišljenja (prosječna ocjena 3,61), što upućuje na potrebu za poboljšanjem
suradnje. Konačno, utjecaj festivala na okoliš ocijenjen je negativno (prosječna ocjena 2,80), što sugerira
zabrinutost stanovnika za ekološke aspekte festivala. Zaključno, rad ukazuje na to da je potrebno
unaprijediti suradnju između organizatora festivala i lokalne zajednice te poduzeti mjere za smanjenje
negativnih okolišnih utjecaja, kako bi se povećala podrška lokalnog stanovništva i ostvarili održiviji
učinci festivala. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, the perception of the local population of the municipality of Tisno about the impact of The
Garden Festival on the local community was investigated, with a focus on economic, socio-cultural and
environmental effects, as well as on the cooperation between the festival organizers and the local
community. The research was conducted using a survey method on a sample of 56 residents, in the
period from June 15 to July 15, using a structured questionnaire based on existing literature on similar
topics. The survey covered the period during and immediately after the festival, in order to obtain the
most relevant data on the respondents' perceptions. The results of the research showed that the local
population of Tisno generally perceives the economic effects of the festival positively (average rating
4.35), while attitudes about the socio-cultural effects are more neutral (average rating 3.83), which
suggests that the festival is not perceived as a significant factor in to the development of the cultural
scene. Furthermore, the perception of cooperation between the organizers and the local community is
slightly positive, but with a large variability of opinions (average score 3.61), which points to the need to
improve cooperation. Finally, the impact of the festival on the environment was evaluated negatively
(average score 2.80), which suggests the residents' concern about the environmental aspects of the
festival. In conclusion, the work indicates that it is necessary to improve the cooperation between the
festival organizers and the local community and take measures to reduce negative environmental
impacts, in order to increase the support of the local population and achieve more sustainable effects of
the festival. |