Title Percepcija mlade populacije o sustavu transporta robotaksijima
Title (english) Perception of the youth population on the robotaxi transportation system
Author Josip Aleksić
Mentor Maja Ćukušić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Hell (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Jadrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Razvojem umjetne inteligencije i njezinom implementacijom u sustav autonomnih vozila i transporta putnika stvorio se revolucionaran model putovanja nazvan robotaksi, stvoren kao transport budućnosti i ekološke održivosti. Istražujući dostupnu literaturu i analizirajući percepcije i stavove korisnika odabrane populacije o ovoj vrsti tehnologije i potencijalnom korištenju iste u budućnosti, što je i bio glavni cilj ovog rada, provedenim anketnim ispitivanjem dobili su se zanimljivi rezultati. Prvo, utvrđeno je kako ispitanici koji imaju pozitivan stav prema autonomnim vozilima imaju tendenciju smanjivanja percepcije prednosti za korisnike. Nadalje, na osnovu analize rezultata istraživanja vidljiva je činjenica kako ljudi koji vide veće prednosti za pješake često vide manje prednosti za korisnike autonomnih vozila, kao i da ljudi koji vide veće prednosti za korisnike imaju manju namjeru korištenja robotaksija, što dokazuje određeni element nesigurnosti u ovu tehnologiju a što je isto bilo postavljeno pod istraživačkim pitanjem. Zaključno u teorijskom dijelu analize rezultata je utvrđeno kako ljudi koji vide prednosti autonomnih vozila za pješake imaju veću namjeru koristiti sustav transporta robotaksijima. Zanimljiva je i činjenica kako su pripadnice ženskog spola odabrane populacije iskazale veću želju za korištenjem usluge robotaksija od muškaraca, kao i da su oni ispitanici koji su imali vozačku dozvolu imali veću želju koristiti uslugu robotaksija za razliku od onih ispitanika koji u vrijeme istraživanja nisu imali navedeno. Isto tako ispitanici populacije koji su u trenutku ispitivanja imali završen sveučilišni diplomski studij imali su najveću namjeru korištenja robotaksija u odnosu na ostale ispitanike sa drugim stupnjevima studija. Iako ispitanici smatraju ovakav način transporta putnika u jednoj mjeri osjetljiv na određene sigurnosne i pravne čimbenike, poput tehničkih kvarova, hakerskih napada ili pravne odgovornosti vlasnika i putnika, ipak rezultati navedenog istraživanja pokazali su većinsku pozitivnu volju ispitanika i želju za prihvaćanjem načina transporta putem robotaksija u budućnosti. Navedeno predstavlja pozitivnu činjenicu za daljnji razvoj ove usluge u budućnosti, gdje pritom pružatelji usluga i investitori moraju uložiti dodatne napore u razvoj sigurnosti i daljnje jačanje percepcije o svim pozitivnim elementima i prednostima za pojedinca.
Abstract (english) The development of artificial intelligence and its implementation in autonomous vehicle systems and passenger transportation has led to the creation of a revolutionary travel model called robotaxi, designed as the transport of the future and for ecological sustainability. By exploring the available literature and analyzing the perceptions and attitudes of the selected population towards this type of technology and its potential use in the future, which was the main goal of this paper, an interesting set of results was obtained through survey research. First, it was determined that respondents who have a positive attitude towards autonomous vehicles tend to reduce their perception of benefits for users. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the research results, it is evident that people who see greater benefits for pedestrians often see fewer benefits for autonomous vehicle users, and that people who see greater benefits for users have a lower intention of using robotaxis, indicating a certain level of uncertainty about this technology, which was also addressed in the research question. In conclusion, the theoretical part of the results analysis showed that people who see the advantages of autonomous vehicles for pedestrians are more inclined to use the robotaxi transportation system. An interesting finding is that the female participants of the selected population expressed a greater willingness to use robotaxi services than men, and that those respondents who had a driver's license were more inclined to use robotaxi services compared to those who did not have the document at the time of the research. Additionally, respondents who had completed a university degree at the time of the survey had the highest intention to use robotaxis compared to other respondents with different levels of education. Although the respondents consider this type of passenger transportation to be somewhat sensitive to certain safety and legal factors, such as technical failures, hacking attacks, or the legal responsibility of owners and passengers, the results of this research nonetheless showed a majority positive willingness of respondents and a desire to accept robotaxi transportation in the future. This represents a positive fact for the further development of this service in the future, where service providers and investors must make additional efforts to improve safety and further strengthen the perception of all positive elements and benefits for individuals.
autonomna vozila
Keywords (english)
autonomous vehicles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:419435
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar ekonomije (sveučilišni magistar ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-09-23 17:30:28