Author Ana Biloš
Mentor Ivana Bulog (mentor) MBZ: 274313
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2018-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract U današnje vrijeme ključnu ulogu u razvoju gospodarstva i napretku društva ima ljudsko znanje. Stoga je razumljivo da studenti, koji svojim obrazovanjem stječu nova i korisna znanja, te ta znanja primjenjuju na svom radnom mjestu i tako doprinose boljitku gospodarstva i društva, čine našu budućnost. Ti studenti moraju razviti brojne visokokvalitetne vještine koje će im osigurati uspješan završetak studija i povoljniji položaj u društvu i na tržištu rada. Vještine se mogu jednostavno definirati kao specifične sposobnosti pretvaranja znanja u akciju, odnosno izvođenja konkretnih radnih i drugih aktivnosti. Kao osnovne kategorije vještina za postizanje uspjeha u akademskom obrazovanju, svakodnevnom životu i na poslovnom planu ističu se akademske, životne i menadžerske vještine. Osim vještina, važnu ulogu u razvoju pojedinca u uspješnog člana društva imaju i psihološke karakteristike. Psihološke karakteristike su relativno trajne karakteristike pojedinca po kojima je on prepoznatljiv i koje mu daju određenu prednost u odnosu na druge, a povezane su s karakterom osobe, stavovima, navikama i sl. Psihološke karakteristike najčešće se dijele na introvertnost i ekstrovertnost, lokus kontrole, sklonost riziku, percepciju o kvaliteti odluke i želju za uspjehom.
Cilj istraživanja prikazanog ovim radom bio je ustanoviti postoji li razlika u stupnju razvijenosti pojedinih kategorija vještina između studenata prve godine sveučilišnog preddiplomskog i stručnog studija, te postoji li razlika između psiholoških karakteristika i razvoja pojedinih kategorija vještina kod studenata prve godine studija. Istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 364 studenta prve godine Ekonomskog fakulteta u Splitu. Istraživanjem je potvrđena prva glavna hipoteza i utvrđena postojanost razlike u stupnju razvijenosti pojedinih kategorija vještina između studenata preddiplomskog sveučilišnog i stručnog studija, pri čemu su sve vještine razvijenije kod studenata sveučilišnog preddiplomskog studija. Druga glavna hipoteza o postojanosti razlike između psiholoških karakteristika i razvoja pojedinih kategorija vještina kod studenata djelomično je prihvaćena, a dobiveni rezultati zadovoljavajući s obzirom da ima više statistički značajnih razlika između psiholoških karakteristika studenata i razvoja njihovih vještina kod studenata u odnosu na razlike koje nisu statistički značajne.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, the key role in the development of the economy and the progress of society is human knowledge. It is therefore understandable that students who acquire new and useful knowledge through their education and apply this knowledge in their workplace and contribute to the betterment of the economy and society, make our future. These students must develop a number of high-quality skills that will ensure their successful collage education and more favourable position in society and the labour market. Skills can be uniquely defined as specific skills of turning knowledge into action, or performing specific work and other activities. Academic, life and management skills are emphasized as basic skills categories for achieving success in academic education, personal life and business plan. In addition to the skills, an important role in the development of an individual in a successful member of society also has psychological characteristics. Psychological characteristics are relatively durable characteristics of an individual by which he is recognizable and which give him a certain advantage over others and are associated with the character of a person, attitudes, habits, etc. Psychological characteristics are most commonly divided into introversion and extroversion, locus of control, risk taking tendency, perception of decision making quality and desire for success.
The aim of this research was to establish the persistence of differences in the degree of development of certain categories of skills among the first year students of university undergraduate and professional studies, and the persistence of differences between the psychological characteristics and the development of particular skill categories in the students of the first year of study. The research conducted on a sample of 364 students of the first year of the Faculty of Economics in Split. The research confirmed the first major hypothesis and established the persistence of differences in the degree of development of certain categories of skills among the undergraduate university and professional students, all of which are more developed in university undergraduate studies. The second main hypothesis concern of the difference between the psychological characteristics and the development of certain categories of students' skills was partially accepted and the results obtained were satisfactory given that there were more statistically significant differences between psychological characteristics and skills development among students compared to differences that were not statistically significant.
akademske vještine
životne vještine
menadžerske vještine
psihološke karakteristike
lokus kontrole
sklonost riziku
percepcija o kvaliteti odluke
želja za uspjehom.
Keywords (english)
academic skills
life skills
management skills
psychological characteristics
locus control
risk taking tendency
perception of decision making quality
desire for success.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:328902
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-29 12:11:41