Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je opisati na koji se način odvija razvoj novog proizvoda u Hrvatskoj poštanskoj banci općenito, a kasnije i na primjeru SuperSmart HPB računa.
Ovaj proizvod je Hrvatska poštanska banka razvila 2016. godine u suradnji sa domaćom tvrtkom Infinum. Razvojem ovog proizvoda banka pokazuje da prati svjetske trendove modernog doba, jer se radi o jedinstvenom bankarskom proizvodu u Hrvatskoj, sa mogućnošću besplatnog online otvaranja tekućeg računa u HPB-u u svega deset minuta, u nekoliko klikova, putem mobilnih uređaja, bez potrebe za odlaskom u poslovnicu i čekanja u poslovnici, osim radi potpisivanja ugovora pri samom kraju postupka.
Proizvod je orijentiran na mlađe klijente koji koriste mobilne uređaje više od ostalih generacija. Istraživanja su pokazala da mladi klijenti, koji lakše i brže prihvaćaju otvaranje online računa putem mobilnih uređaja od ostalih generacija, preferiraju sa bankom poslovati isključivo putem mobitela, te da ne žele dolaziti u poslovnice jer im to predstavlja gubitak vremena i imaju negativno iskustvo.
Nadalje, istraživanja su također pokazala da proizvod još nije u potpunosti razvijen, te da se trenutno nalazi u fazi rasta gdje banka postupno radi na tome da on postane u potpunosti digitalan, tako da klijenti prilikom online otvaranja SuperSmart HPB računa ne moraju odlaziti u banku čak niti radi potpisivanja ugovora pri samom kraju postupka, već da ga mogu potpisati elektronski putem svojih mobilnih uređaja. Također, mlađi klijenti žele da video razgovor s bankarom bude što kraći te da ne dođe do „pucanja“ veze ili kvarova prilikom obavljanja istog.
Pokazalo se da pojedine greške koje se događaju prilikom testiranja proizvoda klijenti primjećuju tek kad se proizvod lansira na tržište. Kada su upoznati s karakteristikama proizvoda, oni mogu davati prijedloge i sugestije za poboljšanje njegovog razvoja. Protokom vremena, poboljšanje karakteristika proizvoda dovodi do sve masovnije upotrebe ovog suvremenog i digitalnog proizvoda koji postupno postaje trend modernog doba. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to describe how the new product in the bank Hrvatska poštanska banka (HPB) has been developed in general and later also on the example of SuperSmart HPB account.
This product was developed by HPB in 2016 in cooperation with a domestic company Infinum. By developing this product the bank demonstrates it follows the world trends of the modern age, because it is a unique banking product in Croatia, with the possibility of free online opening of the current account at HPB in ten minutes only, with only a few clicks, via mobile devices, without going to or waiting in the bank office, except for signing the contract at the end of the procedure.
The product targets the younger clients who use mobile devices more than other generations. The research has shown that young clients, who accept the opening of the online account via mobile devices easier and quicker than the other generations, prefer to make business with the bank via mobile phones only, and they don’t want to come to the bank office because it is wasting of time for them and they have negative experience.
Furthermore, the research has also shown that the product hasn’t been completely developed yet; at the moment it is in a growing phase where the bank has been gradually making this product completely digital, so that the clients during online opening the SuperSmart HPB account don’t have to go to the bank, not even for signing the contract at the end of the procedure, because they can sign it electronically via their mobile devices. Younger clients also want the video conference with the banker to be as short as possible, not to have a connection with the banker “broken” or to experience any failure during this conversation.
It has been established that some errors which happen during the testing of the product have been noticed by the clients only when the product has been launched at the market. Being acquainted with the product features the clients can give suggestions and proposals for the improvement of its development. Over time the improvement of product features leads to the more massive use of this modern and digital product which has gradually become the trend of modern time. |