Abstract | Selekcija je proces izbora između prijavljenih kandidata za posao te prognoziranja njihove buduće radne uspješnosti na temelju procjene njihove sukladnosti s poslom. Cilj procesa selekcije je maksimiziranje radne uspješnosti pojedinca te poduzeća u cjelini. Adekvatno provođenje selekcije kandidata je iznimno važno za poduzeće, uzimajući u obzir da neadekvatno provođenje selekcije kandidata može imati financijske i nefinancijske posljedice za poslovanje poduzeća. Selekcija kandidata nije lagan proces te iziskuje mnogo uloženog vremena i novca.
Naime, ljudi se razlikuju i nemaju svi iste motive, percepciju, interese i drugo, te ne vrijedi za svaku osobu isto pravilo. Stoga je iznimno važno da su ljudi koji provode proces selekcije prošli kroz obuku. Selekcija je proces u kojoj se prognozira radna uspješnost što ovisi o kvaliteti metoda i tehnika koje su upotrijebljene za mjerenje individualne osobine.
Metode i tehnike koje se koriste u selekciji moraju biti pouzdane i valjane. Selekcijske tehnike su različite, poput analize standardnih informacija o kandidatima, preko preporuka bivših poslodavaca pa sve do različitih vrsta testova i intervjua. Selekcijske metode dijele se u konvencionalne i nekonvencionalne metode. Konvencionalne metode su: prijava za natječaj, životopis, podatci o obrazovanju, preporuke, različite vrste testova, intervju...
Nekonvencionalne metode su: astrologija, grafologija, testiranje na drogu te poligrafska ispitivanja. Kako bi provedena selekcija imala željeni ishod treba se posebno obratiti pažnju da se provodi dobra analiza posla koja će utvrditi zadatke koje posao postavlja na kandidate, na utvrđivanje pravih kriterija buduće radne uspješnosti te izbor kvalitetnih metoda selekcije,
Nakon teorijskog dijela procesa selekcije prikazan je proces selekcije kandidata za posao u poduzeću Dupin d.o.o. |
Abstract (english) | Selection is the process of choosing between registered job candidates and forecasting their future job performance based on an assessment of their job compliance. The goal of the selection process is to maximize the work performance of the individual and the company as a whole.
Adequate implementation of candidate selection is extremely important for the company, taking into consideration that inadequate implementation of candidate selection can have financial and non-financial consequences for the company's operations. Candidate selection is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and money.
Therefore, people are different and not everyone has the same motives, perceptions, interests, etc., so the same rule does not apply to every person. It is therefore extremely important that the people who are in charge of the selection process have undergone training. Selection is a process in which performance is predicted depending on the quality of the methods and techniques used to measure individual traits.
The methods and techniques used in selection must be reliable and valid. Selection techniques are diverse, such as the analysis of standard information about candidates, through the recommendations of former employers to different types of tests and interviews. Selection methods are divided into conventional and unconventional methods. Conventional methods are: competition application, CV, education data, recommendations, different types of tests, interview...
Unconventional methods are: astrology, graphology, drug testing and polygraph examinations. In order for the selection to have the desired outcome, special attention should be given to a good job analysis that will determine the tasks that the job sets for candidates, to determine the right criteria for future performance and selection of quality selection methods,
After the theoretical part of the selection process, it was showed the process of selecting candidates for a job in the company Dupin d.o.o. |