Abstract | U ovom radu analizirana su obilježja kasko osiguranja motornih vozila, situacija na tržištu osiguranja motornih vozila u Hrvatskoj te je analiziran proces preuzimanja rizika u kontekstu kasko osiguranja s teorijskog aspekta te na primjeru društva za osiguranje Euroherc osiguranje d.d. Kasko osiguranje je u 2021. godini činilo 12% od ukupnih premija osiguranja na tržištu osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj. U posljednjih 15 godina došlo je do velikih promjena u premijama kasko osiguranja. Pojavom svjetske financijske krize 2009. njihova vrijednost je značajno pala, a od 2015. godine premije rastu. Provedbom intervjua s djelatnikom jedne od poslovnica Euroherc osiguranja d.d. definirani su čimbenici koji utječu na prihvaćanje rizika prilikom sklapanja ugovora o kasko osiguranju, opisan je proces preuzimanja rizika i način formiranja politike preuzimanja rizika u tom društvu za osiguranje te je na temelju tih podataka donesen zaključak da je racionalno preuzimanje rizika ključ uspješnog poslovanja. Racionalno preuzimanje rizika znači da društvo prije sklapanja ugovora o kasko osiguranju mora procijeniti koliku im korist ili štetu taj ugovor može donijeti te na temelju detaljne analize donijeti konačnu odluku o njegovom sklapanju. Euroherc osiguranje d.d. formira vlastitu politiku preuzimanja rizika. Najvažniji čimbenici koji utječu na prihvaćanje rizika pri sklapanju ugovora o kasko osiguranju su: marka vozila, starost vozila, prethodne štete, dodatna oprema i broj prijeđenih kilometara. Premija osiguranja treba biti dovoljno visoka da se u slučaju realizacije štetnog događaja njom može podmiriti stvarni iznos štete, a da pritom i društvo za osiguranje ostvari zaradu. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, the characteristics of comprehensive motor vehicle insurance are analyzed, the current situation on the motor vehicle insurance market in Croatia is presented, and the risk-taking process in the context of comprehensive motor insurance is analyzed from a theoretical perspective and on the example of the insurance company Euroherc osiguranje d.d. Based on the collected statistical data, it was concluded that comprehensive motor insurance accounted for 12% of total insurance premiums in 2021. In the last 15 years, there have been major changes in comprehensive motor insurance premiums. With the onset of the world crisis in 2009, their value dropped significantly and stabilized only in the last few years. The peak growth of comprehensive insurance premiums was achieved in 2021 in the amount of more than HRK 1 billion. The year 2021 ended with an increase in liquidated damages, and due to the increase in the price of labor and the price of spare parts, an increase in the value of the average damage follows. Conducting an interview with the emlpoyee of one of the branches of Euroherc osiguranje d.d. the factors that affect the acceptance of risk when concluding a comprehensive motor insurance contract are defined, the risk-taking process and the method of forming the risk-taking policy in that insurance company are described. Based on these data, the conclusion is reached that rational risk-taking is the key to successful business. Rational risk-taking means that before entering into a comprehensive insurance contract, the company must assess how much benefit or damage this contract can bring and, based on a detailed analysis, make a final decision on its conclusion. Euroherc insurance d.d. forms its own risk-taking policy and changes it depending on the market situation. The most important factors that influence risk acceptance when concluding a comprehensive motor insurance contract are: vehicle brand, vehicle age, previous damages, additional equipment and number of kilometres travelled. The insurance premium should be high enough so that in the event of a harmful event, it can cover the actual amount of the damage, while also making a profit for the insurance company. |