Abstract | Cilj završnog rada je analizirati prometnu infrastrukturu, njezinu značajnost u razvoju gospodarstva, probleme i izazove koji se pojavljuju pri razvoju prometne infrastrukture, te razvijenost prometne infrastrukture u Hrvatskoj. Gospodarski razvoj preko prometne infrastrukture je izrazito važan i bez navedenog razvoja gospodarstvo bi naišlo na određene prepreke i probleme. Preduvjet za gospodarski rast je odgovarajuća prometna infrastruktura koja zahtijeva značajna ulaganja. Iz tog razloga, razvoj prometne infrastrukture je izrazito skup razvoj, no gledajući na sve pozitivne stavke koje donosi razvoj prometa za gospodarstvo, to je izrazito važna investicija. Povezivanje manje razvijenih regija s onim regijama koje su više razvijene, je glavno obilježje prometne infrastrukture. Prometna infrastruktura se konstantno razvija i unapređuje, tražeći novije i učinkovitije načine prijevoza te se na taj način i sve više izazova i problema javlja pri navedenom razvoju, a neki od njih su smanjuje troškova prijevoza, vrijeme potrebno za određeni prijevoz, smanjenje zagađenosti okoliša koje uzrokuje promet. Problemi koji su vidljivi u onečišćenju zraka, vode i tla, u pojavi buke i vibracija, u narušavanju cjelokupnog okoliša, posebice u naseljenim mjestima, su izrazito bitni te njihovo zanemarivanje je nedopustivo. Dolazi do pogoršanja i sve veća opasnost za živote i zdravlje ljudi. Glavni uzročnici onečišćenja okoliša štetnim sastojcima su motorna vozila. Ovo onečišćenje najčešće je uzrokovano emisijom štetnih plinova iz automobila. To su samo neki od problema koji se nastoje izbjeći i kojima se teži. Hrvatska prometna mreža je dosta dobro razvijena, pogotovo mreža cestovnog prometa, ali uvijek postoji prostor za daljnji napredak. |
Abstract (english) | The aim and the purpose of this work is to analyze the transport infrastructure, its significance in the development of the economy, the problems and challenges that arise during the development of the transport infrastructure, and the development of the transport infrastructure in Croatia. Economic development through transport infrastructure is extremely important, and without this development, the economy would encounter obstacles in its development. A prerequisite for economic growth is adequate transport infrastructure, which requires significant investments. For this reason, the development of transport infrastructure is an extremely expensive development, but looking at all the positive items that transport development brings for the economy, it is an extremely important investment. Connecting less developed regions with those regions that are more developed is the main characteristic of transport infrastructure. Transport infrastructure is constantly being developed and improved, looking for newer and more efficient means of transport, and in this way more and more challenges and problems arise during the said development, and some of them are reducing transport costs, the time required for certain transport, reducing the environmental pollution that causes traffic. The problems that are visible in the pollution of air, water and soil, in the appearance of noise and vibrations, in the disruption of the entire environment, especially in populated areas, are extremely important and their neglect is inadmissible. There is a deterioration and an increasing danger to people's lives and health. The main causes of environmental pollution with harmful ingredients are motor vehicles. This pollution is most often caused by the emission of harmful gases from cars. These are just some of the problems that we try to avoid and strive for. Croatia's transport network is quite well developed, especially the road network, but there is always room for further progress. |