Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je standard stanovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i usporedba istoga sa
standardom stanovanja ostalih Europskih država. Osim standarda stanovanja u radu je obrađena i
stambena politika koja značajno utječe na standard stanovanja Republike Hrvatske. U radu je
definirano što je to stanovanje, što je standard stanovanja i što se još veže uz sami pojam standarda
stanovanja. Motivacija za pisanje rada bila je upoznati se s činjenicom kakav standard stanovanja
uživamo kao državljani Republike Hrvatske, koje su prednosti i mane našeg standarda stanovanja te
zaključiti na kojim poljima trebamo i možemo djelovati s ciljem razvoja istog.
Analizirajući standard stanovanja zaključila sam da je sveukupni standard stanovanja u Republici
Hrvatskoj u stalnom porastu posljednjih godina, ali i da ima još prostora za dodatni napredak. Dok su
neki pokazatelji standarda stanovanja RH jako zadovoljavajući (sobnost, komunalna opremljenost,
niski stambeni troškovi), neki su, s druge strane poražavajući (prenapučenost stambenih jedinica,
starost stambenog fonda, visoke cijene nekretnina i najma..). Pozitivno na razvoj standarda
stanovanja utječu državne subvencije kao i program provedbe energetske obnove stambenih zgrada.
Kroz proces izrade rada zaključila sam da je stan tj. stambena jedinica jedna od najvećih materijalnih
i simboličkih vrijednosti pojedinca. Zbog navedene činjenice potrebno je posebnu pozornost staviti
na razvoj stanovanja ali i standarda stanovanja u cjelini. Daljnji razvoj standarda stanovanja
Republike Hrvatske značajno može unaprijediti i ubrzati uvođenje novih mjera i stambenih politika s
detaljno razrađenom strategijom razvoja standarda stanovanja. Stanovanje zaslužuje iznimnu pažnju
u planiranju, projektiranju i gradnji kako bi se osigurao pristojan, podoban i kvalitetan stambeni
prostor za sve građane RH, EU ali i svijeta. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this baccalaureus thesis is the standard of housing in the Republic of Croatia and its comparison with the standard of housing in other EU countries. In addition to housing standards, the paper also covers housing policy, which significantly affects the housing standards of the Republic of Croatia. The paper defines housing and housing standards alongside everything connected to the very concept of housing standards. My motivation for writing the paper was to learn and observe what housing standards the citizens of the Republic of Croatia enjoy, its advantages and disadvantages, and to conclude in which fields we need and can act to develop the standard of housing in our country.
Analyzing the standard of housing, I concluded that the overall standard of housing in the Republic of Croatia has been steadily increasing in recent years, but also that there is still room for additional progress. While some indicators of housing standards in the Republic of Croatia are fairly satisfactory (room numbers, communal facilities, low housing costs), some are, on the other hand, devastating (overcrowding of housing units, old housing stock, high real estate, and rental prices...). The development of housing standards is positively influenced by state subsidies and the implementation program of energy renovation of residential buildings.
Through the process of creating this baccalaureus thesis, I concluded that an apartment, i.e. a residential unit, is one of the greatest material and symbolic values of an individual. Due to the aforementioned fact, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of housing, and housing standards. Further development of housing standards in the Republic of Croatia can significantly improve and speed up the introduction of new measures and housing policies with a detailed strategy for the development of housing standards. Housing deserves exceptional attention in planning, design, and construction in order to ensure decent, suitable and high-quality housing for all citizens of the Republic of Croatia, the EU, and the world. |