Sažetak | Planiranje je kompleksan proces u kojem se najprije utvrđuje vizija poduzeća iz koje se deducira njegova misija kojom se ostvaruje ta vizija. Iz misije se potom izvode ciljevi za ostvarenje kojih treba formulirati adekvatnu strategiju koju treba pretočiti u planove i budžete. Poveznica između ideje i realiziranog projekta je planiranje. Inovator i poduzetnik prolaze kroz isti proces razvitka. Najprije dolaze do ideje, zatim se planira proces izvršenja i na kraju slijedi samo izvršenje. Jedina razlika između inovatora i poduzetnika je što inovator pronalazi rješenje za problem kako bi riješio problem, dok poduzetnik pronalazi rješenje za problem kako bi mogao prodati rješenje. Biznis plan opisuje poslovne ciljeve, planove, sposobnosti i iskustvo. Naime, dobro napisan biznis plan u potpunosti prikazuju ciljeve, svrhu, tržište, strukturu menadžmenta, te iskustvo i financijsko stanje. Također, biznis plan se može definirati i kao shematski prikaz, odnosno pisani dokument koji obuhvaća sve aktivnosti poduzeća uključujući i primjenu, te kontrolu aktivnosti. Daljnjim razvojem i mijenjanjem poslovanja po potrebi će se razvijati i prilagođavati i biznis plan. Poduzetnici moraju koristeći svoje iskustvo i financijsko stanje, organizirati i isplanirati svoje postupke kako bi došli do cilja. U ovom radu istražit će se opravdanost otvaranja zdravog ugostiteljskog objekta. Ideja otvaranja ugostiteljskog kafića sa zdravim asortimanom ponude proizlazi iz sljedeće činjenice. Prilikom odlaska u caffe bar gosti su suočeni s vrlo uskom ponudom. Gost ulazi u caffe bar, sjeda za stol i uzima meni od nekoliko stranica. Kod gosta se stvara iluzija da pred njim stoji neograničen izbor napitaka za naručit, ali nažalost to nije istina. Gost vidi beskonačnu dubinu asortimana, a zanemaruje jako usku širinu asortimana. Širenjem ponude ugostiteljski objekt omogućuje svojim klijentima jedinstveno iskustvo, ponudu i proizvode. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Planning is a complex process in which the vision of the enterprise is established first, from which its mission is deduced through which that vision is achieved. Then, from the mission the goals are extracted for whose completion there is a need to formulate an adequate strategy which has to be transfused into plans and budgets. The link between an idea and a realized project is planning. An innovator and an entrepreneur go through the same process of development. First, they come to an idea and then a process of execution is planned with only execution following in the end. The only difference between the innovator and the entrepreneur is that the innovator finds the solution for the problem to solve the problem, while the entrepreneur finds the solution for the problem to be able to sell the solution. A business plan describes business goals, plans, abilities and experience. Namely, a well written business plan wholly shows goals, purpose, market, structure of management, experience and financial state. Also, a business plan can be defined as a schematic representation, respectively a written document which encapsulates all the activities of the enterprise including the application and control of activity. With further development and changing of management as needed, it will develop and adjust the business plan. Entrepreneurs must using their experience and financial state, organize and plan out their procedures in order to reach the goal. In this paper, the validity of opening a healthy hospitality object will be investigated. The idea of opening a hospitality cafe with a healthy range of offers comes from the following fact. When going to a caffe bar, customers are faced with a very narrow offer. The guest comes into the caffe bar, sits at the table and grabs a menu containing several pages. An illusion is created in the guest that in front of him/her is an unlimited choice of drinks to order but unfortunately that is not true. The guest sees an infinite depth of assortment but neglects the very narrow width of the assortment. By expanding the offer, the hospitality object enables its clients a unique experience, offer and products. |