Sažetak | Nextbike sustav je sustav javnih bicikli koji je implementiran u gradu Splitu 2019. godine. U uvodnom dijelu definirani su problem i predmet istraživanja, kao i istraživačka pitanja, ciljevi istraživanja te metodologija istraživanja. Teorijski dio istraživanja fokusira se na prikaz mobilnosti u pametnim gradovima kroz pregled koncepta održivog razvoja, načina na koji se održivi razvoj odvija u urbanim sredinama te njegova važnost za urbane sredine. Nadalje, predstavljen je koncept interneta stvari, njegova primijenjenost u pametnim gradovima, s naglaskom na ulogu interneta stvari na sustave javnih bicikli. Zatim je dan pregled pametne mobilnosti, gdje se definira pametna mobilnost, predstavlja način upravljanja pametnom mobilnošću te su prezentirane vrste pametne mobilnosti. Na kraju su predstavljeni i primjeri samih projekata javnog dijeljenja bicikli implementirani diljem Europe. Drugi dio teorijskog pregleda odnosi se na sam Nextbike Split, gdje je prezentiran međunarodni projekt Nextbike. Zatim je prezentiran način na koji se Nextbike Split uklapa u razvoj pametnoga grada: predstavljeni su aspekti interneta stvari Nextbikea, generalne informacije i koncepti implementiranosti u Splitu, kao i problemi same implementacije. U empirijskom dijelu rada izvršeno je UTAUT istraživanje, gdje je 204 ispitanika odgovorilo na anketni upitnik, s ciljem ispitivanja prihvaćenosti implementirane tehnologije od strane korisnika. Nadalje, napravljen je model s ciljem lokacijske optimiziranosti postavljenih terminala, kako bi se ukazalo na potrebna područja pri daljnjoj implementaciji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nextbike system is a public bike-sharing system that was implemented in the city of Split in 2019. The introductory part of this research defines the problem and the subject of the research, as well as the research questions, research goals and research methodology. The theoretical part of the research focuses on the presentation of mobility in smart cities through an overview of the concept of sustainable development, the way in which sustainable development takes place in urban areas and its importance for urban areas. Furthermore, the concept of the Internet of Things, its application in smart cities, was presented, with an emphasis on the role of the Internet of Things on public bicycle systems. Then, an overview of smart mobility is given, where smart mobility is defined, a way of managing smart mobility is presented, as well as various types of smart mobility. Finally, examples of public bicycle sharing projects implemented throughout Europe are presented. The second part of the theoretical review refers to Nextbike Split itself, where the international project Nextbike was presented. Then, the way Nextbike Split fits into the development of a smart city is layed out, using the smart city aspects: aspects of the Internet of Things of Nextbike, general information and concepts of implementation in Split, as well as the problems of the implementation itself are presented. In the empirical part of the paper, a UTAUT survey was conducted, where 204 respondents responded to a survey questionnaire, with the aim of examining the acceptance of the implemented technology by users. Furthermore, a model was made with the aim of location optimization of the installed terminals, in order to indicate the necessary areas for further implementation. |