Sažetak | Zadovoljsvto na radu je jedna od centralih tema menadžemnta ljudskih resursa ali i najistraživanija. Samo zadovoljstvo utječe na izvršavanje radnih zadataka I kvalitetu rada a ono sve prethodi osobnim vrijednostima zaposlenika I njihovom angažmanu na radu. Osim osobnih vrijednosti , poduzeće mora razmotriti karakteristiku posla I katakteristike organizacije. Dakle, mora uzeti u obzir sam posao I radnu okolinu u kojoj će se posao obavljati. Tek tada dobivamo cjelokupnu sliku I možemo započeti sa vredovanjem varijabli poput zadovoljstva na radu. Zadovoljstvo na poslu je jedan od najvažnijih problema s kojim se susreć u današnji menadžeri kada je u pitanju upravljane s zaposlenicima. Razlog tome pridnosi i činjenica da je zadovoljan zaposlenik produktivan zaposlenik i da uspješnost poslovanja poduzeća se ne može postići nezadovoljnim radnicima .
Kako bi poslodavci znali koji zaposlenik odgovara kojem poslu, kako radi i Koliko dobro obavlja svoj posao nužno je praćenje radne uspješnosti. Bez provođenja postupaka procjene radne uspješnosti nije moguće planirati razvoj pojedinačne karijere zaposlenika. Na motivaciju utječu bitne karakteristike poput individualnih karakteristika koje se odnose na potrebe, stavove I preferencije zaposlenika te se one razlikuju od pojedinca do pojedinca, karakteristike posla koje se odnose na raznolikost , zanimljivost, zahtjevnost I autonomiju, te je ovdje važno da menadžeri postignu sklad između karakteristika zaposlenika I karakteristika posla, te naposlijetku karakteristike organizacije koje se odnose na cjelokupnu radnu okolinu i organizacijsku praksu u poduzeću.
Osobne vrijednosti zaposlenika određuju način ponašanja pojedinca,njihova mišljenja I stavove I shodno tome možemo očekivati određene akcije u poslovanju. Prema ispitanicima anketiranih prema Personal Value Questionare-u najveći postotak bilježen je u tvrdnjama koje predstavljaju sigurnost, nezavisnost, univerzaliam, tradiciju i dobrohotnost. Rezultati pokazuju da je 45,8% ispitanika zadovoljno svojim poslom dok postotak od 29,2% je niti zadovoljan niti nezadovoljan svojim poslom. Najčešći razlozi nezadovoljstva na poslu nedostatak autonomije, manjak poticaja, nepovjerenje, vekika fluktuacija zaposlenih, nedovoljno dobra komunikacija, nemogućnost usklađivanja privatnog I poslovnog života, nepotizam I sl.
Kako bi se postigao sklad između željenih I osvarenih rezultata u poduzeću, najveći fokus pada na ljudski resurs rada – odabir zaposlenika. Ukoliko poduzeće pravilno I efikasno odabire I raspoređuje svoje zaposlenike po funkcijama te prati i analizira njihovu radnu uspješnost I angažman, to će biti uspješnije .
Zaključujemo da motivirani I zadovoljni radnici dokazano postižu bolje rezultate, daju veće napore postižu veći I efikasni radni angažman, te naposljetku doprinose cilju, misiji I viziji poduzeća, što rezultira većom produktivnošću, boljitku i razvoju poslovanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Satisfaction at work is one of the central topics of human resource management, but also the most researched. Satisfaction itself affects the performance of work tasks and the quality of work, and it all precedes the personal values of employees and their engagement at work. In addition to personal values, the company must consider the characteristics of the job and the characteristics of the organization. Therefore, it must take into account the work itself AND the working environment in which the work will be performed. Only then do we get the overall picture and can start evaluating variables such as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the most important problems faced by today's managers when it comes to managing employees. The reason for this is the fact that a satisfied employee is a productive employee and that the success of the company's operations cannot be achieved by dissatisfied employees.
In order for employers to know which employee is suitable for which job, how he works and how well he performs his job, it is necessary to monitor work performance. It is not possible to plan the development of an individual employee's career without carrying out work performance assessment procedures. Motivation is influenced by essential characteristics such as individual characteristics that relate to the needs, attitudes and preferences of employees and they differ from individual to individual, job characteristics that relate to diversity, interest, demandingness and autonomy, and here it is important that managers achieve harmony between employee characteristics and job characteristics, and finally organizational characteristics that relate to the entire work environment and organizational practice in the company.
The personal values of employees determine the behavior of individuals, their opinions and attitudes, and accordingly we can expect certain actions in business. According to the respondents surveyed according to the Personal Value Questionnaire, the highest percentage was recorded in statements representing security, independence, universality, tradition and benevolence. The results show that 45.8% of respondents are satisfied with their job, while a percentage of 29.2% is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their job. The most common reasons for dissatisfaction at work are lack of autonomy, lack of incentives, mistrust, high turnover of employees, insufficiently good communication, inability to harmonize private and business life, nepotism, etc.
In order to achieve harmony between the desired and achieved results in the company, the greatest focus falls on the human resource of work - the selection of employees. If the company correctly and efficiently selects and assigns its employees by function and monitors and analyzes their work performance and engagement, it will be more successful.
We conclude that motivated and satisfied workers are proven to achieve better results, make greater efforts, achieve greater and efficient work engagement, and ultimately contribute to the goal, mission and vision of the company, which results in greater productivity, improvement and business development. |