Sažetak | Svrha ovog završnog rada bila je ispitati i pobliže prikazati utjecaj koji Livanjski sir ima na turizam i gospodarstvo u Gradu Livnu, te analizirati mogućnosti i trenutno stanje turizma grada. U uvodu je pobliže prikazana svrha te metode istraživanja i struktura rada. Zatim su teorijski objašnjeni su svi bitni pojmovi o Livnu, siru, turističkoj ponudi, gastronomskom turizmu i stanju u gospodarstvu koji će se koristiti u samoj analizi. Analizirane su mogućnosti za napredak i razvoj turizma , uspoređeni su podaci i utvrđeno je da se vidi veliki napredak posljednjih godina, turizam općenito ali i ruralni , gastronomski turizam se širi i to utječe pozitivno na gospodarstvo u Kantonu 10. Navedene su preporuke za daljnji razvoj turizma, a lokalni poduzetnici su svjesni turističke ponude grada i misle da je uz sistematski plan i prave poteze daljnji razvoj turizma u jednu od glavnih djelatnost moguć. Utvrđeno je da unatoč mnogobrojnim aktivnostima turističkog tipa i organiziranim događanjima, prirodni i materijalni resursi još uvijek nisu maksimalno iskorišteni. Broj dolazaka i noćenja raste , a smještajnog kapaciteta nije dovoljno . Divlji konji su glavni pokretač turizma, a Livanjski sir je uvelike pridonio tome. Unatoč tome što je sir prisutan u svim turističkim aktivnostima preporučuje se jedna u kojoj je Livanjski sir glavna ponuda i proizvod. Cilj je bio i utvrditi prepreke koje bi mogle negativno utjecati na razvoj turizma u Livnu, a utvrđeno je da postoje problemi manjka financijskih sredstava te angažman Grada Livna i Hercegbosanske županije kada je u pitanju turizam, također postoji mogućnost razvitka drugih djelatnosti koje bi ugrozile turizam i njegove resurse. Preporuka bi bila veći angažman samog grada i Turističke Zajednice Grada Livna u poduzimanju turističkih poduhvata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this final paper was to examine and show in more detail the impact that ¨Livno cheese¨ has on tourism and economy in the city of Livno, and to analyze the possibilities and current state of tourism in the city. In the introduction, the purpose of the research method and the structure of the work are presented in more detail. Then, all important terms about Livno, cheese, tourist offer, gastronomic tourism and the state of the eonomy, which will be used in the analysis itself, were theoretically explained. Possibilities for the progress and development of tourism were analyzed, data were compared and it was determined that great progress has been seen in recent years, tourism in general but also rural, gastronomic tourism is expanding and this has a positive effect on the economy in Canton 10. Recommendations for the further development of tourism are given. , and local entrepreneurs are aware of the tourist offer of the city and think that with a systematic plan and the right moves, further development of tourism into one of the main activities is possible. It was established that despite numerous tourist-type activities and organized events, natural and material resources are still not fully utilized. The number of arrivals and overnight stays is increasing, but there is not enough accommodation capacity. Wild horses are the main driver of tourism, and Livanjski sir has greatly contributed to this. Despite the fact that cheese is present in all tourist activities, one in which ¨Livno cheese¨ is the main offer and product is recommended. The goal was also to determine obstacles that could negatively affect the development of tourism in Livno, and it was determined that there are problems of lack of financial resources and the engagement of the City of Livno and Hercegbosnian County when it comes to tourism, there is also the possibility of the development of other activities that would threaten tourism and its resources. The recommendation would be greater involvement of the city itself and the Tourist community of the City of Livno in undertaking tourism ventures. |