Sažetak | Obiteljsko poduzeće moţe poslovati kao organizacija sa svim aktivnim članovima obitelji ili pak samo sa jednim aktivnim članom na poziciji vlasnika.
Ovaj rad istraţuje kako formirani obiteljski odnosi utječu na poduzeće, te, s obzirom na svoje prednosti i ograničenja, kako poduzeće posluje u odnosu na konkurenciju.
Ulazak u ovakav oblik poslovanja nosi sa sobom rizike koji se moraju prihvatiti kako bi se poslovni proces razvijao u dobrom smjeru. Kompetentnost, obrazovanost, komunikativnost, motiviranost te sklonost dobrim odnosima su samo neke od karakteristika koje bi vlasnik, zaposlenik i budući nasljednik trebali imati.
Cilj rada je istraţiti i objasniti načine i metode na koje opstaje malo obiteljsko poduzeće na malom trţištu uz veliku inozemnu i domaću konkurenciju.
Interese obitelji i poduzeća teško je uskladiti, ali to je neophodno za opstanak. Ako se ne postigne ravnoteţa, dolazi do propadanja poslovanja i narušavanja obiteljskih odnosa. S obzirom da je većini zaposlenih ljudi i članovima obitelji vaţan profit kao i meĎuljudski odnosi, nuţno je prilagoditi se zahtijevima posla i imati razumijevanja za ostale članove.
U situaciji pada gospodarstva, ono se odraţava na poslovanje samog poduzeća. U tom periodu bitno je opstati, „preţivjeti“, na trţištu. Kvalitetnim i optimalno provedenim metodama kojima se poduzeće koristi, ono moţe zadrţati svoju poziciju i pritom ne ugroziti obitelj.
Ukoliko u poduzeću vrijedi politika zapošljavanja svih članova obitelji (uţa i šira) isključivo zbog krvnog srodstva, meĎu njima se mogu nalaziti zaposlenici koji nisu dovoljno kompetentni za posao. Svojim nedovoljnim i lošim radom usporavaju poslovni proces i razvitak poduzeća. Zbog takvih nedostataka vlasnik moţe poslovno propasti ili ugroziti obiteljske odnose ukoliko doĎe do otpuštanja zaposlenika.
U odreĎenom periodu nakon dugogodišnjeg poslovanja obiteljskog poduzeća dolazi do pitanja nasljeĎivanja pozicije vlasnika. U interesu vlasnika obiteljskog poduzeća je da ono ostane u rukama članova obitelji (najčešće djece). Potencijalni nasljednici mogu preuzeti potpuno poslovanje i time postati jedini članovi uprave. Ukoliko originalni vlasnik smatra da potencijalni nasljednici nisu još spremni preuzeti poduzeće u potpunosti, tada će prepustiti vlasništvo nasljednicima ali će se njegovo djelovanje u pozadini još uvijek odvijati.
Rad se bazira na poslovanju trvtke Marinex & CO d.o.o, te se provela analiza koristeći metodu intervjua s vlasnikom tvrtke i njegovom suprugom koja je zasposlenik. Tvrtka djeluje od 1994.godine i biljeţi pozitivan rast u samim počecima. Tijekom godina se profit povećavao, ali i stagnirao u kratkim periodima koji nisu negativno utjecali na daljnje poslovanje. Za nastavak poslovanja u poduzeću su motivirani i spremni na rizik potencijalni nasljednici koji su ujedno i članovi obitelji. Takav oblik nasljeĎivanja biznisa je u interesu vlasnika zbog ţelje da stečeno bogatstvo i vrijedna imovina ostane u obitelji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This thesis analyses the way in which family relations affect family business and, taking into account its advantages and limitations, how does the company survive on the market.
Family business can function as an organization with all the active members of the family, or with only one active member who is the owner of the company.
By starting this kind of business, the owner and the members of the family need to accept the possible risks in order to develop their business in the right direction. Competence, education, communicativeness, motivation and ability to develop good relations are only some of the characteristics that the owner, employee and future heir should have.
Objective of this thesis is to explore and explain the ways and methods used by a small family business on a small market, with great international and local competition.
Although it is difficult to find balance between interests of the family and those of the business, it is essential for the survival of the company. If the balance is not achieved, then the business falls apart and family relations deteriorate. If we take into account that for most of the employees and family members, the profit is as important as interpersonal relationships, it is necessary to adapt oneself to the demands of work and to have understanding for other members.
In case of economic downturn, it affects the business of the company. During this period, it is most important to survive on the market. By using quality and optimally implemented methodology, the company may keep its position and protect the interests of the family.
If employees get hired only because of their blood-relations, there is a great possibility that there are some among them who are not capable enough to work on their current position. With their inadequate and bad work, they can slow down the business process and business development. Therefore, the owner's business may be in danger or, in case he or she needs to fire such employees, the family relations can be harmed.
In a certain period following the founding of the company, there comes a question of suitable heir of the owner. It is in the best interest of the owner that the company remains in the family, most frequently children are the first choice. Potential heirs can take over the business completely and thus become the only members of the board. In case the original ownerbelieves that the potential heirs are not ready yet to take over the company completely, then he or she will pass on the company to his or her heirs, but will still work in the background.
Thesis is based on the business process of the family company Marinex & CO d.o.o. By using the interview method with the company’s owner and his wife (employee), the thesis demonstrated how the company functions. The company was established in 1994 and it recorded a positive growth already at the very beginning. Over the years, the profit increased, but also stagnated in short periods, which did not affect future business negatively. Potential heirs/family members are also higly motivated to continue family business, and are also ready to take possible risks. This kind of passing on the business to owner's heir is in best interest of the owner so that the acquired wealth and valuable assets stay in the family. |