Sažetak | Crowdfunding je alternativni način financiranja kojim se pojedinačni projekti i poduzeća financiraju malim doprinosima velikog broja podržavatelja putem specijaliziranih internetskih platformi. Za razliku od tradicionalnijih načina financiranja crowdfunding omogućuje lakši i jednostavniji pristup kapitalu, no to ne znači da u poslovni pothvat ne treba ulagati trud, vrijeme i novac. Razlikuju se četiri osnovne vrste crowdfundinga: crowdfunding baziran na nagradama, crowdfunding baziran na donacijama, crowdfunding baziran na vlasničkim udjelima te crowdfunding baziran na posuđivanju novca. Kod crowdfunding platformi koje se temelje na nagradama razlikujemo dva osnovna modela: fiksni model i fleksibilni model. U svijetu trenutno funkcionira preko 2 500 crowdfunding platformi, a najpopularnije su Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Causes, RocketHub, Patreon, GoFundMe, CircleUp i LendingClub. Iako je crowdfunding sve popularniji način financiranja u svijetu, u Hrvatskoj je on u početnoj fazi razvoja. U Hrvatskoj djeluje nekoliko domaćih crowdfunding platformi: Croinvest, Croenergy, ČiniPravuStvar te edukacijska platforma Crowdfunding Akademija. Provedeno je i nekoliko uspješnih crowdfunding kampanji. Najuspješnija do sada je bila 2017. godina, a sve veći broj uspješnih kampanja, podržavatelja i skupljenih sredstava pokazuje da domaća crowdfunding industrija napreduje i raste. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Crowdfunding is an alternative way of financing through which individual projects and businesses, finance through small contributions from a large number of supporters through specialized Internet platforms. Unlike traditional financing methods, it provides easier and simpler access to capital, but this does not mean that the business venture should not invest effort, time and money. There are four main types of crowdfunding: Reward-Based Crowdfunding, Donation-Based Crowdfunding, Equity crowdfunding/Crowdinvesting and Crowdlending/Debt-based crowdfunding. Within crowdfunding platforms based on rewards, we distinguish two basic models: a fixed model and a flexible model. There are currently over 2,500 crowdfunding platforms in the world, and the most popular are Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Causes, RocketHub, Patreon, GoFundMe, CircleUp and LendingClub. Although crowdfunding is an increasingly popular way of financing in the world, it is in initial stage of development in Croatia. There are several domestic crowdfunding platforms in Croatia: Croinvest, Croenergy, ČiniPravuStvar, and an education platform Crowdfunding Academy. Several successful campaigns were carried out. The most successful year so far has been 2017, and an increasing number of successful campaigns, supporters and pooled funds show that the domestic crowdfunding industry is progressing and growing. |