Sažetak | Svrha ovog rada je prikazivanje utjecaja upravljanja promjena na motivaciju i vodstvo u bolničkoj ljekarni KBC X. Ovaj odjel kliničkog bolničkog centra i generalno zdravstvenog sektora je odabran za provedbu istraživanja, zbog manjka radova baziranih na menadžmentu u zdravstvenom sektoru, specifičnije u farmaceutskom sektoru. Temeljem zaprimljenih odgovora zaposlenika same ljekarne možemo zaključiti kako rukovodstvo ljekarne educira zaposlene o nadolazećim i trenutnim promjenama, te da ujedno putem komunikacije olakšavaju implementaciju promjena. Možemo ujedno zaključiti kako rukovodstvo efikasno upravlja ljekarnom i njenim financijama, te nema zabilježenih slučajeva nestašica materijala i potrebnih sredstava. Radna snaga je motivirana i kao najizraženiji motivirajući faktor istaknuta je samostalnost pri radu i obavljanju radnih zadataka. Valja istaknuti kako su zaposlenici iznimno sposobni po pitanju prilagodbe na promjene, većina prihvaća promjene podrazumijevajući adaptaciju na iste. Manjina zaposlenika koja bira pružati otpor, pruža otpor zbog minorne stavke poput dodatnih radnih zadataka, što je razumno u svakom radnom odnosu i sektoru, ljudi teže olakšanju posla, a dodatni zadaci ne predstavljaju olakšanje, već suprotnost, a to je otežanje. Zbog otežanja posla kao krajnjeg ishoda provedene promjene, pojedinci ističu spremnost na blagi otpor. Svi zaposleni osim nekolicine prihvaćaju promjene, a nekolicina se izjasnila kao skupina koja u početku odbija promjene, no u konačnici prihvati iste. Sveukupni rezultati su iznimno pozitivni i zadovoljavajući, ako bi bolnička ljekarna KBC-a X nastavila poslovati na ovaj način, pozitivan trend uspješno implementiranih promjena koje ne nailaze na veći otpor od strane zaposlenika zasigurno bi opstao i u budućnosti, kao i sama motivacija djelatnika ljekarne. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main purpose of this paper was to show the impact of change management on motivation and leadership in the hospital pharmacy KBC X. This department of the clinical hospital center and the health sector in general was selected for the implementation of the research, due to the lack of works based on management within the health sector, more specifically in the pharmaceutical sector. Based on the responses received from the employees of the pharmacy itself, we can conclude that the management of the pharmacy educates the employees on the upcoming and current changes, and that at the same time, through communication, they facilitate the implementation of said changes. We can also conclude that the management efficiently manages the pharmacy and its finances, as there are no recorded cases of shortages, be it of materials and necessary funds. The workforce is motivated. The ability to have independence in work and performance of work tasks was highlighted as the most pronounced motivating factor. It should be noted that employees are extremely capable of adapting to changes, most of them accept changes. The minority of employees who choose to resist the change, because of a minor factor such as additional work tasks, which is reasonable in any employment relationship and sector, people tend to make work easier, and additional tasks do not represent relief, but the opposite, which is more workload. Due to the increased difficulty of work as the final outcome of the implemented change, individuals point out their readiness for mild resistance. All employees, except for a few, accept the changes, and a few declared themselves as a group that initially rejects the changes, but ultimately accepts them. The overall results are extremely positive and satisfactory, if the hospital pharmacy of KBC X would continue to operate in this way, the positive trend of successfully implemented changes that do not encounter much resistance from employees would certainly persist in the future, as well as the motivation of pharmacy employees. |