Abstract | Sinj je grad u Hrvatskoj, koji administrativno pripada Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Središte je Sinjske, a samim time i Cetinske krajine. Prema popisu iz 2011. godine, grad broji 24.826 stanovnika. S krajem 2014. godine, šestu godinu zaredom, RH se borila s gospodarskom recesijom što se snažno reflektiralo na pad gospodarskih aktivnosti, a time i na (ne)zaposlenost kako sveukupnog stanovništva, tako i građana Sinja. Negativni učinci rasta nezaposlenosti nisu samo ekonomske prirode, već imaju utjecaj na opću apatiju, neproduktivnost i inertnost dijela stanovništva, što dodatno produbljuje eroziju društvenogpotencijala. Mlada populacija posebno je podložna ovom problemu. Nezaposlenost mladih je velika, kako na nacionalnoj tako i na lokalnoj, sinjskoj razini. Ukoliko širu makro energiju Sinja usporedimo s ostatkom Hrvatske, razvidno je da krajnji sjever Hrvatske, Istra i Primorje te Grad Zagreb mladima pružaju nedvojbeno bolje šanse za pronalazak (i zadržavanje posla), dok s druge je strane Sinjska i Cetinska krajina, Kordun, dijelovi Like i Slavonije komparativno pružaju mladima vrlo plitko tržište rada.
Naime, prema podacima HZZ-a, najzastupljenija dobna skupina nezaposlenih u gradu Sinju su upravo mladi. Najviše je onih između 20. i 24. godine starosti (14,3%), a odmah iza njih su oni u dobi od 25. do 29. (12,5%). Razloge nešto veće pogođenosti mladih u dobi od 20-24 godine od onih od 25-29 godina starosti možemo pronaći u relativno višim obrazovnim stupnjevima koje „stariji mladi“ posjeduju te njihovom duljem vremenu provedenom na tržištu rada, a čime su stekli veću šansu za pronalazak posla.
Stoga, problem nezaposlenosti treba sagledati i iz konteksta obrazovanja i kompeticija promatrane populacije. |
Abstract (english) | Sinj is a town in Croatia, which belongs administratively to the Split-Dalmatia County. Sinj is the heart of Sinj's and Cetinska Krajina. According to the 2011. statistics, the city has 24,826 inhabitants. By the end of 2014, six years in a row, the Republic of Croatia was struggling with the economic recession, which strongly reflected the decline in economic activity and hence the (non) employment of both the overall population and the citizens of Sinj.
The negative effects of unemployment growth are not only economic, but have an impact on the general apathy, non-productivity and inertia of the population, which further deepens the erosion of social potential. The young population is particularly affected by this problem.
Youth unemployment is pretty big, both at national and local level. If we compare the broader macro plane of Sinj city with the rest of Croatia, it is obvious that the north of Croatia, Istria and the coast and the City of Zagreb have more opportunities for young people and providing them with better chances of finding (and keeping the job), while on the other hand Sinjska and Cetina Krajina, Kordun, parts of Lika and Slavonia are providing young people with less work opporutnities.
According to HZZ's data, the most common age group of unemployed people in the city of Sinj are the young ones. Most are those between the age of 20 and 24 (14.3%), and immediately behind them are at age 25 to 29 (12.5%). Reasons for a bit bigger unnenployment of young people aged 20-24 than those of 25-29 years can be found in the relatively higher educational levels that "a bit older youngsters" had some more experiences from the labor market and because of that they got a bigger chance of finding a job.
Therefore, the problem of unemployment should also be seen from the context of education and competition at the same time. |