Author Silva Bonačić
Mentor Ljiljana Najev Čačija (mentor) MBZ: 344153
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2021-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Brend postoji od kada postoji i civilizacija, te znači mnogo više od samog imena i loga. Vrijednost brenda se intenzivno počela proučavati 80-ih godina, a danas ona predstavlja dodatnu vrijednost koja se pridaje proizvodima i uslugama. Vrijednost kao takva je nematerijalne prirode, ali pruža psihološku i financijsku moć poduzećima. Razvijanjem vrijednosti brenda dolazi do većih interesa za proučavanje multisenzornih, fantazijskih i emotivnih elemenata, što rezultira nastankom pojma hedonističke
... More vrijednosti. Hedonistička vrijednost brenda očituje se u zadovoljstvu, uzbuđenju, maštarijama, osjećajima i zabavi. Na hedonističku vrijednost utječu okus, zvuk, miris, dodir, sve neurofizičke i iskustvene komponente, te osjećaji poput radosti, zabave, ljubomore, straha, uzbuđenja, ljubavi, mržnje, bijesa i zanosa. Hedonistička vrijednost brenda je subjektivna i razlikuje se između ispitanika. Nadalje, kada se postigne dugoročan odnos između potrošača i poduzeća uspostavlja se lojalnost. Lojalnost sa sobom nosi brojne prednosti koje se očituju kroz kontinuiran tok dobiti, smanjene troškove marketinga, većim cijenama, zaštiti od udara konkurencije i smanjenom broju prepreka u poslovanju. Postoji više dimenzija kojima se proučava lojalnost. Najšire je prihvaćena dvodimenzionalna lojalnost, koja se najčešće prilagođava potrebama individualnih istraživanja. Dvodimenzionalna lojalnost odnosi se na ponovljenu kupovinu uz jasan naglasak na funkciju psiholoških procesa. Prva dimenzija naziva se bihevioralna lojalnost i odnosi se na ponašanje potrošača. Temelji se na snazi poduzeća da izgradi odnos s potrošačem tako da on ponovno kupi njihov proizvod zbog povezanosti s brendom. Druga dimenzija lojalnosti odnosi se na stvaranje emocija. Emocionalna dimenzija temelji se na osobnoj percepciji, stavovima i osjećajima pomoću kojih potrošač djeluje na brend. Upravo je zato u ovom radu ispitan utjecaj hedonističke vrijednosti brenda koja aktiviranjem emocija u svijesti potrošača može imati utjecati na lojalnost. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako hedonistička vrijednost brenda ima direktan utjecaj, i to na obje dimenzije lojalnosti. To ukazuje na potrebu za razvijanjem hedonističke vrijednosti jer je lojalnost potrošača bila i bit će jedna od ključnih snaga poduzeća za jačanje i diferencijaciju od konkurencije. Less
Abstract (english) The brand has existed since civilization, and it means much more than the name and logo. Brand value began to be intensively studied in the 80s, and today it represents the added value that is attached to products and services. Value as such is intangible in nature, but provides psychological and financial power to businesses. With the development of brand value, there is a greater interest in the study of multisensory, fantasy and emotional elements, which results in the emergence of the
... More concept of hedonistic value. The hedonistic value of the brand is manifested in pleasure, excitement, fantasies, feelings and fun. Hedonistic value is influenced by taste, sound, smell, touch, all neurophysical and experiential components, and feelings such as joy, fun, jealousy, fear, excitement, love, hate, anger and trance. The hedonistic value of the brand is subjective and differs between consumers. Furthermore, when a long-term relationship between consumers and businesses is achieved, loyalty is established. Loyalty brings with it a number of benefits that are manifested through a continuous flow of profits, reduced marketing costs, higher prices, protection from competition and reduced business barriers. There are several dimensions that study loyalty. Two-dimensional loyalty is the most widely accepted, which is often adapted to the needs of individual research. Twodimensional loyalty refers to repeated shopping with a clear emphasis on the function of psychological processes. The first dimension is called behavioral loyalty and relates to consumer behavior. It is based on the strength of the company to build a relationship with the consumer so that he buys their product again because of the connection with the brand. Another dimension of loyalty relates to the creation of emotions. The emotional dimension refers to the personal perception, attitudes and feelings with which the consumer acts on the brand. That is why this paper examines the influence of the hedonistic brand value, which by activating emotions in the minds of consumers can affect loyalty. Research has shown that the hedonistic value of a brand has a direct impact, on both dimensions of loyalty. This points to the need to develop hedonistic brand value because consumer loyalty has been and will be one of the key strengths of companys to strengthen firms and differentiate themselves from competition. Less
hedonistička vrijednost
vrijednost brenda
emocionalna lojalnost
bihevioralna lojalnost
Keywords (english)
hedonistic value
brand value
emotional loyalty
behavioral loyalty
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:790492
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-05-11 13:09:58