Title Značaj odabranih prediktora za prihvaćanje proširenja marke
Title (english) The relevance of the selected predictors for brand extension acceptance
Author Ana Bosnić
Mentor Ivana Kursan Milaković (mentor)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Proširenje marke je popularna strategija za lansiranje novih proizvoda na tržištu koristeći ime roditeljske marke, što donosi brojne prednosti poduzećima i potrošačima. Postoje različiti čimbenici koji utječu na prihvaćanje proširenja marke, a njihovo razumijevanje je ključno za marketinške stručnjake. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati značaj četiri odabrana prediktora na prihvaćanje proširenja marke, a to su povjerenje potrošača, atraktivnost marke, percepcija cijene i inovativnost potrošača. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 67 ispitanika, a podaci su prikupljeni putem anketnog upitnika i analizirani korištenjem deskriptivne statistike i korelacije, kojom se utvrdila povezanost svakog prediktora s prihvaćanjem proširenja marke. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji pozitivna umjerena povezanost između povjerenja potrošača i prihvaćanja proširenja marke što je u skladu s već postojećom literaturom, budući da povjerenje smanjuje rizik koji se povezuje s novim proizvodima te može nadoknaditi nedostatak znanja o takvim proizvodima. Atraktivnost marke također je pokazala umjerenu pozitivnu povezanost s prihvaćanjem proširenja marke, ukazujući na važnost privlačnosti i dobrog izgleda u privlačenju potrošača. Percepcija cijene pokazala je najjaču povezanost među ispitivanim čimbenicima što naglašava značaj percepcije cijene kao ključnog faktora u donošenju odluka potrošača o prihvaćanju proširenja marke. Ukoliko se cijena proširenja marke percipira adekvatnom i prigodnom za taj proizvod, veća je šansa prihvaćanja tog proizvoda od strane potrošača. Iako je inovativnost potrošača pokazala pozitivnu povezanost s prihvaćanjem proširenja marke, koeficijent korelacije ukazuje na relativno slab utjecaj što sugerira da inovativnost potrošača igra manju ulogu u prihvaćanju proširenja marke u odnosu na druge ispitivane čimbenike. Prethodna istraživanja sugeriraju da s porastom inovativnosti potrošača raste i rizik koji su oni voljni preuzeti te raste i želja za isprobavanjem novih marki, umjesto proširenja već postojećih. Ovi rezultati doprinose postojećoj literaturi i pružaju korisne smjernice za marketinške strategije te ukazuju na potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima.
Abstract (english) Brand extension is a popular strategy for launching new products in the market using the name of the parent brand, which brings numerous advantages to both businesses and consumers. There are various factors that influence the acceptance of brand extension, and understanding these factors is crucial for marketing professionals. The main goal of this research is to examine the significance of four selected predictors on the acceptance of brand extension: consumer trust, brand attractiveness, price perception, and consumer innovativeness. The research was conducted on a sample of 67 respondents, and the data were collected through a survey questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation, which determined the relationship between each predictor and the acceptance of brand extension. The results showed that there is a positive moderate correlation between consumer trust and the acceptance of brand extension, which is consistent with existing literature since trust reduces the risk associated with new products and can compensate for the lack of knowledge about such products. Brand attractiveness also showed a moderate positive correlation with the acceptance of brand extension, indicating the importance of attractiveness and good appearance in attracting consumers. Price perception showed the strongest correlation among the examined factors, emphasizing the importance of price perception as a key factor in consumers' decision-making regarding the acceptance of brand extension. If the price of the brand extension is perceived as adequate and appropriate for the product, there is a higher likelihood of acceptance by consumers. Although consumer innovativeness showed a positive correlation with the acceptance of brand extension, the correlation coefficient indicates a relatively weak influence, suggesting that consumer innovativeness plays a smaller role in the acceptance of brand extension compared to other examined factors. Previous research suggests that with the increase in consumer innovativeness, the risk they are willing to take and the desire to try new brands increases, rather than trying the products of existing brands. These results contribute to the existing literature and provide useful guidelines for marketing strategies, highlighting the need for further research.
prihvaćanje proširenja marke
Keywords (english)
brand extension acceptance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:562839
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije (sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-12 18:18:54