Sažetak | Kao rezultat rasta ekonomske i društvene integracije osoba s invaliditetom, osobe s invaliditetom sve češće putuje i sudjeluju u turističkim aktivnostima. Tržišni potencijal pristupačnog turizma je ogroman i raste iz dana u dan, a pristupačnim turizmom omogućava se sudjelovanje svih u turizmu na neovisan, zdrav i dostojanstven način uklanjanjući diskriminaciju starijih osoba i osoba s invaliditetom čije su brojke u porastu. Na području Hrvatske živi približno 600 tisuća osoba s invaliditetom, a najveći broj osoba s invaliditetom nalazi se u gradu Zagrebu i u gradu Splitu gdje ta brojka iznosi približno 70 tisuća osoba. S obzirom da grad Split nema javno dostupne podatke o pristupačnosti turističke ponude grada, u ovom završnom radu koristilo se primarnim metodama istraživanjima, a najviše zapažanjem/promatranjem, anketiranjem i intervjuiranjem. U radu je analizirana pristupačnost prometne infrastrukture, kulturne baštine i kulturnih ustanova, pristupačnost plaža te park šume Marjan, kao i pristupačnost ostalih zelenih i javnih površina, javne infrastrukture, ugostiteljskih objekata i smještajnih kapaciteta. U radu su također navedeni najvažniji EU projekti koji su pomogli boljoj prilagođenosti turističke ponude u gradu Splitu, kao i projekti udruge Liberato koja je izradila interaktivnu mapu za osobe s invaliditetom. Cilj ovog završnog rada jest utvrditi trenutačno stanje i prilagođenost turističke ponude za osobe s invaliditetom, te ustanoviti i prikazati prednosti i nedostatke pojedinih kategorija turističke ponude. Na kraju rada istaknute su određene preporuke te dobri primjeri iz prakse koje bi grad Split mogao implementirati u svoju turističku ponudu kako bi ona bila još prilagođenija osobama s invaliditetom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | As a result of the growing economic and social integration of people with disabilities, people with disabilities travel more and more often participate in tourist activities. The market potential of accessible tourism is huge and is growing day by day, and accessible tourism enables the participation of everyone in tourism in an independent, healthy and dignified way, eliminating discrimination of the elderly and disabled, whose numbers are increasing. Approximately 600,000 people with disabilities live in Croatia, and the largest number of people with disabilities are in the city of Zagreb and in the city of Split, where that number is approximately
70,000 people. Given that the city of Split does not have publicly available data on the accessibility of the city's tourist offer, primary research methods were used in this final paper, mostly observation, surveying and interviewing. The paper analyzes the accessibility of transport infrastructure, cultural heritage and cultural institutions, the accessibility of the beach and the Marjan Forest Park, as well as the accessibility of other green and public areas, public infrastructure, catering facilities and accommodation facilities. The thesis also lists the most important EU projects that helped to better adapt the tourist offer in the city of Split, as well as the projects of the Liberato association, which created an interactive map for people with disabilities. The goal of this thesis is to determine the current state and suitability of the tourist offer for people with disabilities, and to establish and present the advantages and disadvantages of individual categories of tourist offer. At the end of the paper, certain recommendations and good examples from practice were highlighted that the city of Split could implement in its tourist offer in order to make it even more suitable for people with disabilities. |