Sažetak | Na temelju dosadašnjih istraživanja, moguće je zaključiti da postoje razlike između banaka različite veličine i vlasništva s obzirom na dosegnutu razinu efikasnosti, što pak utječe na ukupni ekonomski razvoj zemlje. Dodatno, na efikasnost banaka utječe pravni i institucionalni okvir unutar kojeg djeluju kao i gospodarska kretanja u okruženju. Nastavno na prethodno navedeno, a uvažavajući okruženje u kojem posluju, predmet istraživanja je analiza relativne tehničke efikasnosti bankarskog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj za vrijeme pandemije uzrokovane COVID-19 virusom u periodu 2017. – 2022. godine. Analiza je provedena koristeći AOMP, odnosno Malmquist indeks. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je hrvatski bankarski sektor doživio povećanje ukupne faktorske produktivnosti za 9,88% u analiziranom razdoblju, pri čemu je rast tehničke efikasnosti (1,05%) praćen rastom tehnoloških promjena (8,72%). Tehnološke inovacije pomaknule su granice relativne efikasnosti na višu razinu. Pritom veličina banke je imala utjecaja na veličinu promjene relativne tehničke efikasnosti. Dok banke različite veličine ostvaruju poboljšanje efikasnosti, u tome prednjače male banke (TFPCH=1,1147)), uslijed rasta tehnoloških promjena (TECHCH=1,0968) i tehničke efikasnosti (EFFCH=1,0164), razlog poboljšanju je lakša i brža prilagodba malih banaka promjenama u odnosu na velike i srednje banke. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Based on previous research, it is possible to conclude that there are differences between banks of different sizes and ownership with regard to the achieved level of efficiency, which in turn affects the overall economic development of the country. In addition, the efficiency of banks is affected by the legal and institutional framework within which they operate, as well as the economic trends in the environment. Following on from the above, and respecting the environment in which they operate, the subject of the research is the analysis of the relative technical efficiency of the banking sector in the Republic of Croatia during the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus in the period 2017.-2022. The analysis was performed using the AOMP analysis, and the measure chosen for this analysis is the Malmquist index. The results of the research show that the Croatian banking sector experienced an increase in total factor productivity by 9,88% in the analyzed period, whereby the decline in technical efficiency (1,05%) was compensated by the growth of technological changes (8,72%). Technological innovations moved the limits of relative efficiency to a higher level. At the same time, the size of the bank had an impact on the size of the change in relative tehnical efficiency. While banks of different sizes achieve efficiency improvement, small banks are leading in this (EFFCH=1,10164), due to grown of tehnological changes (TECHCH=1,0968) and tehnical efficiency (EFFCH=1,0164), the reason for the improvement is the easier and faster adaptation of small banks to changes compared to large and medium-sized banks. |