Sažetak | Tema istraživanja rada je uloga neprofitnih organizacija u Gradu Hvaru. Cilj rada je bio prikazati kakvu ulogu imaju organizacije i čine li uopće promjene, kao i prepoznaju li to isto i građani. Istraživanje se odvilo kombinacijom kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog pristupa i to putem anketnog upitnika i intervjua. Anketni upitnik je bio namijenjen stanovnicima Grada Hvara i njegovih naselja te se sakupio uzorak od 121 osobe. Time se došlo do zaključka kako građani većinom imaju negativan stav prema organizacijama u Gradu Hvaru i imaju jako nizak udio sudjelovanja u radu istih. Također, građani većinom prepoznaju jednake organizacije što daje do znanja da su iste i najaktivnije. Od 82 aktivne organizacije, građani su prepoznali njih 29. U isto vrijeme su građani prepoznali i smatraju kako određeni (nizak) broj organizacija ima utjecaj u razvoju Grada u određenim područjima, i to najviše u područjima kulture i sporta. S druge strane, putem intervjua s voditeljima organizacija dobiveni podaci pokazuju kako se organizacije suočavaju s nizom poteškoća od kojih su najizraženiji oni financijske prirode i manjak građanske involviranosti. Voditelji smatraju kako građani nisu dovoljno uključeni u njihov rad, te ih takvo što koči u daljnjem razvoju jer se ispitivanjem pokazalo kako broj članova u organizacijama opada ili se gase određene aktivnosti kroz godine. Sekundarnim istraživanjem se primijetilo kako 20 od 82 organizacije stvarno i nije aktivno zbog toga što nisu upisane u Registar Financija, a što je potrebno za legalan rad. Također, kroz intervju se primijetilo kako ispitane organizacije zaista i imaju utjecaj u svome području djelovanja i to za sam Grad ili selo u vidu bolje promocije mjesta, ali i obnavljanja sela i očuvanje baštine Grada. Problem predstavljaju neaktivne organizacije koje onda doprinose gradnji negativnog stava prema svim organizacijama. Za budućnost rada organizacija je potrebno da se građani osvijeste i shvate kakve promjene mogu napraviti neprofitne organizacije kao što je prikazano u teorijskom dijelu rada, te da se uključe u rad istih jer je to jedini način za njihov napredak, ali i opstanak. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The research topic of the paper is the role of non-profit organizations in the Town of Hvar. The goal of the work was to show what role organizations play and whether they make changes at all, as well as whether citizens recognize the same. The research was carried out using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, through questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was intended for residents of the town of Hvar and its settlements, and a sample of 121 people was collected. This led to the conclusion that citizens mostly have a negative attitude towards organizations in the Town of Hvar and have a very low participation rate in their work. Also, citizens mostly recognize the same organizations, which makes it clear that then they are most active. Out of 82 active organizations, citizens recognized 29 of them. At the same time, citizens recognized and believe that a certain (low) number of organizations has an influence in the development of the Town in certain areas, mostly in the areas of culture and sports. On the other hand, data obtained through interviews with organization leaders show that organizations face a number of difficulties, the most pronounced of which are those of a financial nature and a lack of civic involvement. Leaders believe that citizens are not sufficiently involved in their work, and this is holding them back in further development, because the survey showed that the number of members in organizations is decreasing or that certain activities are being shut down over the years. Through secondary research, it was noticed that 20 out of 82 organizations are not really active because they are not registered in the Financial Register, which is necessary for legal work. Also, through the interview, it was noticed that the surveyed organizations really have an influence in their field of activity for the town or the village itself in the form of better promotion of the place, but also the restoration of the village and the preservation of the City's heritage. The problem is represented by inactive organizations, which then contribute to building a negative attitude towards all organizations. For the future of the work of organizations, it is necessary for citizens to become aware and understand what kind of changes non-profit organizations can make, as shown in the theoretical part of the work, and to get involved in their work, because this is the only way for their progress and survival. |