Sažetak | Društveno odgovorno poslovanje (DOP) može se široko okarakterizirati kao takvo djelovanje poduzeća koje nadilazi njegove obveze kao ekonomskog entiteta, koje nije pod prisilom zakona, ni pod utjecajem društvenog pritiska, a koje doprinosi blagostanju zajednice. Dakle, riječ je o dobrovoljnom doprinosu društvu na račun vlastitih tj. organizacijskih resursa. Pojava DOP-a u sektoru turizma veže se uz društveno odgovorne inicijative velikih hotelskih lanaca, započete tijekom kasnih 90-ih. Iako je od tih godina broj društveno odgovornih hotelijera značajno porastao, uglavnom je i dalje riječ o velikim međunarodnim hotelskim grupacijama. Naime, provedena istraživanja sve više upućuju na problem tj. poteškoće kod implementacije ovog koncepta u manjim ugostiteljsko-smještajnim objektima. Kako je turizam kao industrija, obilježena izrazito velikim brojem malih poduzeća, a među kojima je i veliki broj malih hotela, postoji i potreba za sustavnim rješavanjem uočenog problema. Konkretno govoreći, u domaćoj poslovnoj praksi, društvena odgovornost turističkih poduzeća nastoji se potaknuti putem niza službenih dokumenata koji podupiru i reguliraju razvoj održivog turizma, kao i priručnika sa praktičnim savjetima i preporukama, te pozitivnim primjerima iz svjetske ali i domaće poslovne prakse. Pored toga, turistička poduzeća, imaju priliku steći i brojna (domaća i međunarodna) priznanja, nagrade i certifikate za svoje društveno odgovorne poslovne prakse. Shodno tomu, može se zaključiti kako postoji i određena institucionalna potpora u promicanju DOP-a u turizmu. Međutim, ono čega i dalje nedostaje, a predstavlja jedan od ključnih faktora u implementaciji DOP-a, jest razumijevanje. Bez odgovarajućeg znanja i želje, od strane čelnih ljudi za odgovornijim poslovnim ponašanjem, ne može se očekivati ni napredak po tom pitanju. Što znači da, kako bi se poslovanje hrvatskih gospodarstvenika moglo kretati u smjeru odgovornijih i održivijih poslovnih praksi, treba poraditi i na promjeni ustaljene negativne poslovne klime, a koja je itekako prisutna u turističkim djelatnostima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be broadly characterized as such an organizational policy that goes beyond its obligations as an economic entity, which is not under the duress of the law, nor under the influence of social pressure, and which contributes to the well-being of the community. Which essentially means, that CSR encompasses voluntary organizational contributions to its society on the account of its own, i.e. organizational resources. The emergence of CSR in the tourism sector is linked to socially responsible initiatives conducted by large hotel chains, which first took place in the late 1990s. Although the number of socially responsible hoteliers has grown considerably since then, this still mainly entails major international hotel groups. In fact, research carried out increasingly indicates that there is a problem, i.e. difficulty with the implementation of this concept in smaller catering and accommodation facilities. And because tourism is an industry marked by a large number of small businesses, including a large number of small hotels, there is a need for a systematic approach in the mitigation of the encountered problem. Specifically speaking, in the domestic business practice, some efforts in the encouragement of CRS in tourism have already been made. This includes a series of official documents that support and regulate the development of sustainable tourism as well as manuals with practical advice and recommendations, and the presentation of positive examples, both global and domestic. In addition to that, tourism companies have the opportunity to gain numerous (domestic and international) acknowledgments, awards and certificates for their socially responsible business practices. Accordingly, it can be concluded that there is a certain degree of institutional support in the promotion of CSR in tourism. However, what remains missing, is one of the key factors in CSR implementation, and that is understanding. Without the proper knowledge and desire, by the company's leading people for a more responsible business behavior, one cannot expect much progress on this issue. Which means that, in order to make the operations of Croatian businessmen move in the direction of more responsible and more sustainable business practices, certain efforts must be made in order to change the prevailing negative business climate, which is very much present in the tourism industry. |